Chapter 1

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"Casey, I don't think this is healthy."

The words blur through one ear and out the other as my eyes continue going over the words typed across my phone.

"Cassandra!" Dakota slaps my phone out of my hand and I frown up at her and my other best friend Mason.

"He was just going to confess his love for her!" I groan, referring to the book I was just reading on my phone.

"Casey, you do know love stories aren't like that in real life, right?" Dakota argues back.

Mason nods agreeing and takes a big bite into his burger that drip ketchup down his finger.

"I know, but it's always nice to imagine," I sigh defeated.

"I know it's nice to imagine a guy coming after you on a white horse,"

I interrupt her, "Actually it was a jet, but who's paying attention," I mumble.

She smirks and glances at Mason, "Alright, you win, here's your five bucks."
She hands him a five dollar bill and he folds it up and sticks it in his pocket, "Thank you."

My jaw drops as I look at both of them, "You bet on me?"

They exchange smiles and Mason lets out a chuckle, "It's Friday, right?"

I nod and Mason holds out his hand a Dakota slips him another five.

"Wow guys, I'm feeling so loved."

Mason runs his hand down his neck and sighs, "Well, I guess I can split it."

He hands me a five, which I gladly take and stick my jean pocket.

"Honestly though Casey, you need a boyfriend."

I roll my eyes at Dakota and crumple up the paper bag in front of me, "I really don't."

"At least a crush so we can tease you?" Mason frowns.

I toss the paper bag back and forth between hands and sigh, "Just because I don't like any guys here doesn't mean I'm gonna be single forever."

"You don't like any guys here because none of the guys are the guys you read about in books," Dakota says as her eyebrows lower into confusion.

"That's so not true! I've had crushes before,"

"But?" Mason asks, fixing the front of his hair.

"But, none of them are good guys."

Dakota scoffs and looks around the cafeteria, "What ever happened to Matt?"

I look to where her eyes are fixed and see one of my former crushes, "He didn't like pizza. Who doesn't like pizza? How am I suppose to have a date night with someone who doesn't like pizza?"

"And you couldn't order chicken wings?" She asks confused.

"He doesn't eat out," I grit through my teeth.

She nods and continues looking around.

"Okay, how about Trevor?" Mason asks looking in the opposite direction.

I give him a glance and set my head in my hand, leaning on the table, "He's childish."

Mason raises his eyebrow, "Really? Trevor?"

I nod, "All he wants is a body to use."

Mason smiles, "Touché."

"And what ever happened to-"

I stop Dakota with waving my hand, "No, no more. Let's talk about... Justin." I flash a glance towards Dakota who groans and covers her face that begins to slightly turn red.

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