Chapter 5

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"Derek, hey buddy!" Mason smiles setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me," Derek growls, looking at his hand from the corner of his eye.

Mason slowly removes his hand and sits on the other side of him so Derek's back is facing us.

"You're in my Science class right?" Mason attempts to make conversation as I stand on the other side, trying to get Ashton's attention.

Dakota rolls her eyes and darts to the end of the table, poking Ashton on the arm.

Mason keeps Derek occupied and Dakota points over to me, picking up his lunch and bringing him over to our table.

"Yeah, okay, nice talking to you," Mason cuts it short and runs back to our table.

"Is there a reason why I was pulled away from practically the only friends I've made since I got here?" Ashton asks confused.

Dakota pinches my leg and I jump slightly, "Listen, I may have told a tiny little lie..."

His blue eyes dart towards me, which makes my heart jump inside me.

I begin to get tongue tied and Dakota sighs, "She told Derek you were her boyfriend."

Ashton seems to be shocked and a little bit taken back, "You what?"

I cover my face in embarrassment and Mason throws a pack of gummy bears at my hands.

"I swear it was before I even knew you were coming. I accidentally let it slip in attempt to get him to stop flirting with me. It's not my fault! I had no clue I'd ever see you again!"

He seems hurt by the last words that came out of my mouth and I groan covering my face in my arms, "I get if you want to rat me out. It was a stupid idea anyways. I'll just figure out some other way to keep him away."

I slowly get up, ready to confess to Derek when Ashton grabs my hand, "Wait."

Dakota quietly crunches on a piece of popcorn and Mason's wide eyes switch between my face and Ashton's.

"I'll play along."

I actually feel like I might throw up. I don't know what's more shocking to me, that Ashton wants to play along, or that we have to act like we're dating.

"You will?" All three of us ask together.

He nods and shrugs, "I know you got yourself in a mess, and even though Derek's a nice guy, he obviously seems like a player and I hate watching girls get played like that."

Dakotas eyebrows lower and a cute frown sets upon her face. She looks up at me with eyes that scream 'awe' and I quickly look away.

"You're not joking, right?"

He smiles slightly, "Cassandra Matthews, it would be an honour if you allowed me to continue to play your boyfriend."

Mason bites his nails, a habit he's had since three years ago, and Dakota plays with her hair, trying to cover up her smile.

"Thanks," I quietly say, taken back by what just happened. "But are you positive you can act like you like me?"

He frowns slightly and nods, "I could do so. I mean, I had a hopeless crush on you when we were eight so it can't be that hard."

The way he says this makes me feel like I should've known, except instead I feel like a bomb had just dropped on me and smashed my already mushed brain.

"Yeah, haha, of course," I choke out, clearing my throat.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." He winks playfully and returns back to the other table.

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