Chapter 15

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I answer the door to a familiar face and I'm taken back.

"Cassandra, what are you doing here?" I ask with confusion racing through my mind.

"You were right, I was wrong, Ashton is the biggest jerk I could've ever fallen for. That kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's you I want Mason, these past four years it's always been you."

I look over my shoulder at my empty house in confusion and she places her hand on my chest, pushing me slightly and bringing her lips onto mine.

This, I can absolutely get use to. I lean my back against the wall and feel her lips take control of mine. I can't deny the fact that I'm kissing her back.

My arms uncontrollably lift her onto my waist and she pushes harder, making my arms feel like jello. I slowly carry her to the couch, setting her down gently.

"Mason," she whispers as I hover over her.

I look down at her and smile at her slightly embarrassed expression, "you know I want to wait."

I nod slowly and kiss her cheek softly, "I know, and you're worth the wait."

I slowly sit up, still quite confused as to what just happened and she snuggles herself between my arm and chest, her fingers fiddling around with my hand.

"I could get use to this," she says smiling, "to your kiss, to you, to us."

I close my eyes and feel myself smile, "me too."


I let out a slight groan, then realize the voice is real.


I jump out of my sleep and sit up to see my mom standing in my doorway.

"I need you to try this new recipe."

My eyebrows lower, looking over at the time and I lay back on my abs, keeping my duvet over my boxers, "you woke me up at seven in the morning to try a new recipe?"

"That, and because you got to get to school."

I lift my head and she gives a slight smile, sitting on the edge of my bed, "Mason, it's been almost a week and your bruise is clearing up. You need to go to school."

I feel my cheek and notice she's right, it's not as sore.

"Alright. I'll go."

Before I stand up, she places a hand on my bare shoulder and I can tell something's wrong.

"There's something else I need to speak to you about."

I sit up comfortably next to her and lean my body weight on my arms.

"How do you feel about moving?"

"I already told you, I'm getting up, calm down," I chuckle, standing and walking to my bathroom.

"I mean about where we live now."

I stop mid way brushing my teeth and walk out of the bathroom with the toothbrush in my mouth, "what?"

She shrugs with a slight smile and I spit out the water, walking back to her, "how'd this come up? If this is because the fight I got into, I told you not to worry about it. I can handle him mom."

Her eyes make their way to the light bruise and she shakes her head slowly, "no, no. Do you remember that card you brought me back from the shop when you went to pick up the milk?"

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