Chapter 17

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"What's got you down?" Dakota asks glancing my way. 

"Nothing," I lie through my teeth.

"You haven't eaten your lunch all week," Justin points out.

I push the bag full of food aside and lean my cheek against my palm, "I'm just not hungry."

"Don't give me that bullshit."

Justin tries a different approach, hoping it'll work better, "Casey, you haven't been yourself. You haven't eaten, you're grades are getting lower, you hardly wanna go on walks to get ice cream with Dakota and I, you haven't spoken more than two sentences in one breath, and you don't even want to speak to anyone. Could this have something to do with Mason being gone?"

I scoff, "Mason doesn't have that affect on me."

"He might if you've finally realized you're crazy about him," Dakota cuts in.

"I'm fine."

Dakota lowers her eyebrows with a sad expression, "silence is the loudest scream."

I look away, not being able to keep eye contact.

"Cassandra, can we talk?" Ashton stands next to me and Dakota crosses her arms, "she doesn't want to speak to an asshole like you."

I feel his eyes on me, "she's not wrong."

"Can you at least listen?"

Justin stands up and leans his hands against the table, "she said she doesn't want to speak with you."

Dakota rubs his arm gently and Ashton nods slowly, "well, I'm just trying to help."

I exchange a look with Dakota and quickly grip onto his arm, "what do you mean by help?"

He raises his eyebrows at my hand, which I slowly loosen, "it's obvious you're missing Mason. Even the cafeteria lady asked if there's something wrong with you,"

I glance back at her.

"He was suppose to be back today to grab something he left at the house."

"And how do you know that?" Dakota snaps.

"We've been texting. He decided that if Cassandra was happy with me, he'd have to be too."

My heart sinks and I whisper, "he hasn't answered any of my texts."

"When's he suppose to be home?" Justin asks, slowly sitting back down next to Dakota.

"He said he wanted to come some time during school," he checks his phone, "in about ten minutes I'd say."

My eyes widen and I bounce up, "why wouldn't you tell me this sooner?" I scold.

"I didn't think it mattered!" His hands raise above his head.

"You're such a twat," Dakota mumbles under her breath.

"I gotta go," I say getting up.

"Your lunch?"

I smile at Justin, "eat it for me."

He glances at Dakota and she rolls her eyes, "fine, go ahead."

"And Cassandra, be careful."

I run through the doors, outside and slide into my jeep.

"Come on, come on," I huff out, trying to get the key in with my shaking hand.

Before my car even has time to turn the radio on, I swerve out of the parking lot and down the road. Anxiety begins to rise in my chest and I take deep breaths , calming myself down.

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