Chapter 14

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It's almost been a week since I last spoke to Mason. He hasn't been at school or answering his phone. Ashton thinks he's got the flu, Dakota thinks he's just skipping because he can. What do I think? Well, I'm about to find out.

I knock gently against the front door and wait for someone to answer.

The door swings open and I become face to face with Mason.

My eyes stay stuck on the bruise formed on one side of his face and everything around me seems to stop. We stare at each other for what seems to be like hours.

"What are you doing here?" He sighs.

Even though most of his face is covered in a bruise, I can tell he hasn't slept based on his messed hair and droopy eyes. His fingernails are still cut down to the skin which shows he still must've been chewing them, but his hand runs slowly along the edge of the door, showing off a black ring he's worn almost everyday for as long as I've known him.

"I was worried about you! What the hell happened to your face?" I shriek.

He licks his lips innocently and stuffs his hands into his pockets, "I ran into a door."

I cross my arms, annoyed that he would be lying to me. That is the oldest excuse in the book. What's he gonna say next? He ran into a pole?

"Mason." I say sternly looking him straight in the eye, "what. Happened."

He clenches his jaw and squints at the sun as if he hasn't seen it in days, "you want the truth?"

I nod keeping my arms crossed.

"I can tell you, but you're not gonna like it," he says leaning against the doorframe.

"Mason Scott, tell me." I sigh.

"Alright, alright," he takes a deep breath, "your boyfriend and I got into a fight and things got physical."

I stare at him for a little bit then chuckle and shake my head, "no. No, no, no."

He bites his lip gently smiling at me laughing, "Cinderella, I'm serious. Your boyfriend and I fought."

I pat his shoulder, "you're hilarious. I know you don't like him, but come on."

His expression quickly switches from a smile to serious, "you think I'm making this up because I supposedly don't like him?"

"It's pretty obvious," I say raising my eyebrows.

"Cassandra, you know I would never lie to you. The least you could do right now is believe me."

I cross my arms over my chest, "yeah, whatever, I believe you, but when you wanna quit the act and tell me what really happened, come talk to me."

He shakes his head in disbelief and rolls his eyes.

"Oh look, now we got the eye rolling too," I scoff, "grow the hell up Mason and stop blaming everything on people you hate."

He gives a sad smile and places his hand on the doorknob.

It's silent between us, except for the chirping of the birds in the trees.

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