Chapter 11

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My finger hits the cool doorbell and I listen as it goes off inside.

The doorknob turns and it slowly opens, revealing Ashton in the same grey sweatpants and red t-shirt he was in when I came to pick up Johnny.

"Case, what are you doing here?" He asks a bit surprised.

"We have a book report to finish," I mumble quietly.

He looks down at the papers in my hand and fully opens the door allowing me in.

"Nobody's home so we can work on it in the kitchen."

I follow him and set down what I have, taking a seat.

"I'll just go grab my papers, yeah?"

I nod staying silent and he takes a double look reassuring, then darts up the stairs.

Cassandra, what are you doing? You like this guy. He was one of your first crushes. You can't just put him out on the side like that. It was your fault for sending him mixed signals. You don't know how to flirt and haven't liked anyone in a while. It's not his fault.

Thoughts continue to run through my brain, but quickly stop once he enters back.

"Alright, so far we have this," he scatters the papers with my hand writing and his mixed, and sets his laptop open in between us.

He mentions nothing about us, which should make me happy, but instead I'm dying for him to say something about it.


I look up and he looks at me with a calm expression, "are you okay?"

I nod and click open the document, "yeah, let's just finish this before I got to go pick up your brother."

He places his hand on top of mine and turns back to the computer, "don't worry about it, I can pick him up."

I glance at our hands and back at him, but instead of moving it, it stays put and his eyes stay glued on the computer screen.

As awkward as it is, we end up getting it finished. We run through the slideshow once more and rehearse our lines.

"Therefore, a woman doesn't always wear makeup to impress a guy. Even if she does wear makeup, you shouldn't expect her to wear it for you."

Ashton clicks on the next slide and continues after me, "you should accept others for who they are and not always make looks the number one priority in a relationship."

He glances at me and smirks, "looks are just a bonus."

I scoff, rolling my eyes, "you're not actually going to say that, right?"

His eyes flicker back towards the screen, "no, I just wanted to make it known right now."

It saves and he slowly shuts the screen, "how many hours did that take us?"

I glance at my phone, "like four hours."

I take a double look and my eyes go wide, "four hours! Johnny!"

He bolts up from his chair and runs to grab his keys, "shit! He's going to kill me!"

I follow him quickly, slipping on my shoes, ready to go home.

"You left him for four hours! how many missed calls?"

He slides his keys off the counter and looks down, "fifteen texts and three missed calls."

I swing open the door and we both quickly walk out.

"I'm gonna go," I hurriedly say as he walks with me towards the car.

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