Chapter 2

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I set the plates of eggs on the table, hoping to get my parents approval to go to the party tonight.

The bacon sizzles in the pan and I quickly set them in a white plater with blue flower designs around it.

"Working a late shift and then getting up early to make us breakfast?" My mom says from the entrance of the kitchen.

I smile and set down the plater.

"Okay, what does she want now?" My dad appears from behind her and they both slowly take a seat.

"I can't make breakfast for my wonderful parents who do so much for me?" I grin innocently.

They exchange looks and let out a fake laugh, "Alright, now we know for sure you want something."

My dad sticks a forkful of egg in his mouth and nods, licking his lips, "With this type of cooking, I may consider whatever you propose."

I pull out the empty seat and take a deep breath, "Well, you see, Sabrina's having this going away party fo-"

"No." My mom frowns, taking a piece of bacon.

I allow my hands to collapse on the table and my jaw to slightly open, "But mom,"

She shakes her head, "You're not going to this party because you are going to stay out late and I need you up tomorrow morning to go grocery shopping with me."

My eyebrows crease and I give a slight pout with my lips, "I promise I won't stay out too late!"

She looks at my dad who shrugs and gives a slight nod.

"Fine, but you have to be home no later than eleven!"

I give her another pout face and she crosses her arms. With the look she gives me, I know there's no way around it. If I argued anymore, I wouldn't even have the chance to go.

"Eleven it is then," I confirm, quite upset that I didn't have a later time.

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"Eleven?" Dakota shrieks as she shut the door with force to the passenger side.

"Aye, watch the baby," I whisper loud enough for her to hear, petting my steering wheel.

"For the twentieth time Dakota, you read her text to you, I believe it said she has until eleven." Mason says, getting in the back seat.

A scent of strong cologne tingles my sense of smell and I glance in the review mirror at Mason.

"Someone's looking fancy," I smirk at his dress shirt and black jeans.

He blushes softly and I shake my head, beginning to drive.

"Mason, are you wearing cologne?" I gasp dramatically and watch as Dakota gives a smirk.

"Maybe." He mumbles quietly, looking back down at his phone.

"It's really the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. Why wear cologne for someone who doesn't even know you exist?" Dakota snaps playfully.

I look over at Mason's hurt reaction, which is unusual, and then back at the road, "Well, I for one think its adorable."

Mason gives a little smile and Dakota keeps a serious stare at me with her mouth slightly open, "Oh my goodness... Well, throw me in the water and call me a dolphin."

Mason rolls his eyes and I let out a chuckle, "What?"

"You actually have a sensitive side."

I scoff and take a right turn, "I don't know what you're talking about."

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