Chapter 12

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"We're dating!" Dakota shrieks as soon as Mason and I sit down.

My immediate response is to place my hands on my face surprised and squeal in excitement, "congrats!"

Mason has the same reaction and they tell us how it happened.

I have to be honest, I zoned out a little bit, only because I was looking for Ashton.

"And then he just accidentally called me his girlfriend and we knew we had to address it from there."

Mason places his chin in his hand, continuing to listen more interested and Derek watches me from the other side of the cafeteria.

I uncomfortably shift in my seat and I feel Mason's hand get placed on my shaking knee, knowing somethings up.

"And I've been meaning to ask, what the hell happened to your face?"

My attention is brought back to Dakota and I laugh it off, "oh this?" I ask pointing to my bruised nose, "I just ran into Derek face first in the hall."

As any friend would, she begins to laugh at my fail, and surprisingly, Justin tags along.

"Justin, I would never expect such behaviour from you. Dakota laughing at me, yes, but you, I'm disappointed," I tease, knowing just how innocent he is.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Mason unexpectedly blurts out.

Dakotas eyes widen to me and she pats her hands hard on the table, "no way!"

Justin wraps her hands in his to keep them from turning red and she shakes like a piñata ready to explode with candy, while Justin continues to keep her contained.

"Why yes, thanks Mason for sharing and being so highly concerned," sarcasm fills my tone.

He finally pieces it all together, "oh. She didn't. Oh. Shit. Well this is awkward."

"No shit Sherlock," Justin facepalms.

"Speak of the devil," Dakota smirks.

I look over and watch as Ashton walks through the cafeteria.

He runs his hand through his hair and a smile creeps up on his face when he locks eyes with mine.

"Hey," he says, taking a seat next to me.

"Hey," Dakota smirks, leaning against the table.

He gives me a quick glance and I look away, "she just recently found out,"

"Yeah and she should've been the first one to know," she finished for me.

I feel him grab my hand gently, as if asking if it's okay with me. My hand locks into his and I feel his thumb run the top of it.

"Trust me, this time I'm not running away," he teases, smiling at Dakota.

I feel my blood rush to my cheeks, and turn to Mason to take my mind off things, only he's not there.

"Where'd Mason go?" I ask with concern in my tone.

"I swear that boy has a bladder the size of a peanut," Dakota sighs.

Justin laughs which makes me laugh and soon were all laughing like a bunch of bozos.

"How much time left do we have for lunch?" Ashton asks anyone who's listening.

"Exactly twenty five minutes," Dakota watches her phone, "twenty four."

"Mind if I steal her away for the rest of lunch?"

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