Chapter 13

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{Mason's pov}

I lay in bed with my arm slinger over my eyes. All I can think about is Cassandra. She's all I can ever think about. How does a girl like her end up falling for a guy like Ashton? It just doesn't make sense. She can do much better. Hell, who am I trying to fool, she could do much better than me.

"Mason!" My mom calls from downstairs, "can you come here please?"

I groan, but drag myself off the bed and make my way downstairs.

"What's up mom?" I casually say, wrapping my arm around her in a hug. My body towers over her and I grab a freshly baked cookie from the pan next to her.

"Mason, what did I say about eating things straight out of the oven?"

I smile innocently and take a bite, "is there something I can help with?"

Bags are formed under her eyes and her hair is tangled in a tight elastic. Every since my dad left, her favourite thing to do has been baking. It keeps her mind off things and she loves to keep her baby boy fed with desserts.

"At least wait for the cake, you need some fat on those bones," she teases, taking out another tray.

I look down at my torso and back up shaking my head slightly with a grin, "you know mom, I'll take you in a race and we'll just see who is more fit."

She pushes me slightly with her shoulder and reads over a recipe, "what I was going to ask you to do is go get some milk if you don't mind. I want to try this new recipe but I'm not going to have enough."

She holds up the carton and motions to the money on the counter, "take that money over there and go buy me two cartons."

I give the money a sad look, knowing my mom can hardly afford to keep the house up.

"Alright, I'm just going to grab my phone incase you need me."

I kiss her cheek gently and slide the money off the counter, running upstairs.

The door to her room creaks as I open it and I set the ten dollar bill back where it goes, shutting the door back behind me.

Instead, I grab my phone and my own wallet, heading back down and out.

"Alright, I'll be back soon," I say tying up my sneakers.

"Bye Mason. I love you!"

I stop at the door and smile holding onto the handle, "love you too mom."

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The bell of the little shop rings as I enter and the girl at the counter smiles, "hey Mason," she says, hopping over the counter.

"What's going on champ?" I smile, ruffling her hair.

"I haven't seen you here in a while, are you dying?" She casually asks.

I kneel down to the seven year old and set my hand on her shoulder, "no Jess, I'm not dying... Or am I?"

I wink playfully and she brushes my hand off her shoulder, placing her own on her hips, "I haven't missed your sarcastic attitude."

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