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"Got everything?" Mason holds onto the doorframe, and peeks his head into the empty room.

I nod, holding a box and kiss him quickly on the cheek.

"Here, I got that," he lifts the box from my arms and carries it down the stairs out to the car.

I follow him with a smile spread on my face and a packed bag on my back.

"Have fun," my mom tears up hugging me.

"Be safe," my dad says after.

"Don't forget to call us! We love you!"

Mason leans against the wall and smiles, watching, and my mom opens her arms, "we didn't forget about you!"

They shower him with affection and he smirks over their shoulders.

"Bye!" We wave, as he wraps his arm around my torso and walks me to the car.

"After you," he laughs, opening the passenger door.

I crawl in and look out the window, waving to my parents.

Going to university is a big move for both the child and parents. Now, moving far away with your boyfriend is bigger than a big move.

He pulls out slowly and honks the horn, before we're fully down the street.

"You okay?" He smiles, glancing over at me.

I nod and look back out the windshield, "just a little bit nervous."

He stays silent and admires me with his eyes before quickly averting his eyes back to the road.

"Is that Ashton?" I point out as Mason slows down in front of his driveway.

I roll down the window and Johnny rushes out to us, "Ashton's girlfriends in labour!" He screeches, not knowing what to do.

Ashton and this girl have been together not even a year, yet we all know Ashton. There's no bad beef between us. It just didn't work out.

I hear screaming come from inside and Ashton runs back out pale in the face.

"I think it's time for us to be leaving," Mason laughs out awkwardly, and Johnny nods quickly.

"Mason, Cassandra, what are you doing here?" Ashton breathes out, rushing to our car.

"Just in the neighbourhood, on our way to school actually."

"Seems like you got your hands full right now," Mason motions to the door with his head, where his girlfriend is slowly walking out.

"I guess you could say that," he slowly chuckles, which turns into a face of fear.

"Well, congratulations," I smile trying to help him calm down.

"Congrats man," Mason reaches his hand out and Ashton gives a sad smile shaking it, "you too. Going off to university, wow, it seems just like yest-"

"ASHTON!" His girlfriend shrieks, holding her stomach and reaching for the door handle.

"I gotta-"

We both nod and he runs to the car, while Johnny quickly hops in the back.

Mason pulls up so they can drive out and he gives a quick honk.

"That could've been you, you know?" Mason sighs relieved, pulling back onto the road.

"Hey, it's his choice. If he can handle a child, I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to have kids."

The Return of Love (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now