Chapter 4

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"Sweetie, Ashton's going to need a ride to school. His brother's taking the bus and his parents work early. Chop, chop, he's going to be here in twenty."

I squint my eyes at my clock and groan, "What?"

Sadly, my mom is already gone down the stairs.

So now I'm his taxi driver?

My left leg tingles from being asleep for so long and it feels heavy when it hits the ground.

"Ugh," I drag myself to my closet and pull out denim jeans with a black and white baseball tee.

I braid my hair in a fishtail braid to the side and apply a little bit of mascara and lipgloss.
Yeah, that'll do.

When I make it down stairs, my dad is already gone to work and my mom is just getting her purse, ready to leave.

"He should be here soon, please be nice," she warns, holding the side of the door.

I pour my froot loops and wave her away. She shuts the door and I pour the milk, taking a seat alone at the table.

Me: warning you, but before I pick you up I also have Ashton tagging along with us.

The doorbell rings and I scream, while locking my phone.

"It's open!"

The door slowly creaks open and from behind the wall, Ashton peeks his head.


I smile and continue eating my cereal while he stands at the front of the kitchen, holding his bag strap on his shoulder.

My chewing becomes the only sound in the house and I set down my spoon.

"Want some cereal?"

He glances at what I'm eating and frowns, "Nah, I'm good thanks."

It becomes silent again and my phone buzzes with Dakotas picture.

"Have a seat, this might be a while," I motion to the seat across from me which he pulls out and sits in, watching me answer the phone.

"What?" I ask with a mouthful of froot loops.

His lips curl into a smile and he watches me continuing to talk to Dakota.

"What do you mean Ashton is coming? I get to meet the one and only who stole my best friends heart?"

I pick up my bowl, filling it up with water from the sink and hold the phone between my shoulder and ear, "Shut up."

She continues to go on and on about it and I shake my head, smiling to Ashton who chuckles to himself.

"Yeah, yeah, alright. So be ready in ten."

Before she can say anymore, I hang up on her and set my phone in my pocket.

"Ready to go?"

Ashton looks up and I feel my heart jump when his blue eyes look into my brown ones.

"Alright." He smirks getting up from his seat and adjusts the strap back on his shoulder.

Please make conversation with me and don't make it awkward.

We both buckle ourselves in and I sigh, knowing Dakota is going to just have a show watching us be awkward from the front seat.

I start the engine and he keeps his bag on his lap, looking out the front window.

I tap my finger on the steering wheel, waiting for the light to turn green.

"So," I start, trying to make conversation.

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