Chapter 6

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"He actually said that?" Dakota gasps, swirling in my black chair.

"I'm not even kidding," I smile, placing the book from the library book on my desk.

"And then you went to the library?" Mason glances at me from the corner of his eye.

I nod and he flops himself on my bed.

"What?" I ask, sitting next to him.


He stares up at my ceiling and I look over at Dakota who shrugs and continues swirling.

"Alright then..."

He rolls off my bed and checks the time, "Do I smell dinner?" He smirks.

The smell of lasagna hits me like a pound of bricks and Dakota bounces up.

"You little shits, don't you even dare."

We all stare at each other in silence and dart up the stairs at the same time.

"Calm down," my mom laughs setting dinner on the table, "There's enough for everyone."

Mason holds up his plate, while my mom sets a piece of lasagna in it, "Mrs Matthews, your lasagna is to die for." He glances over at me and sets the plate in front of him, taking a seat, "And to kill for."

Dakota nods in agreement as my mom fills it with a piece, blushing lightly.

She waves her hand, obviously wanting to hear more, "Oh you guys! As long as my kids are happy, I'm happy," she smiles referring to all of us as her kids.

She sets a plate down in front of my dad who stares at Mason with wide eyes, "Must be mine, he sure has the appetite I had when I was his age."

Mason glances up with a mouthful and exhales through his nose, giving a little laugh.

I guess you could say Mason looks up to my dad as the father figure he's never had. Of course he has a father, but he was never with him often, because of this, his parents got a divorce. This means that he sees his dad close to never. My dad is fully aware of this, giving him a soft spot just for Mason. He's basically trying to bring him up as his own, as if Mason hasn't already learned enough having to be the male figure in his own family.

"So how's school going?" My mom asks both Dakota and Mason.

"I think I might make honour roll!" Dakota smiles.

My mom raises her eyebrows impressed and looks at Mason, "How about you sweetie? Anything you might make?"

He finishes chewing and shrugs, "Well, I'm hoping to make it out of high school."

My mom glances at my dad who just laughs, pulling everyone's attention toward him, "Spitting image of me!"

Mason smiles and turns back to my mom, "No, but really, if it wasn't for Casey being in my class, I probably would've already dropped the math course I'm taking from boredom. Dropped out of school for that matter."

I shriek, pointing to my mom, "See! I told you the class is boring!"

The doorbell interrupts the argument that's beginning to heat up, and Mason jumps up, "I'll grab it!"

He darts out of the kitchen and my dad take a deep breath smiling, "I love that kid so much. We should've tried for a boy!"

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