Chapter 7

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"Did you feel a spark?"

I nod, unable to keep myself from smiling and Dakota squeals, "Sweetie, he is totally into you!"

"And it felt so natural. That kiss was not something that could be acted. That was- It was a real kiss."

"Do you think he felt anything?"

I shrug, "Do I look like a guy?"

We both instantly turn to Mason, who has been awfully quiet through this whole thing.

"Guys, I'm not your personal guy decoder!"

Dakota rubs his arm and frowns, "Please Mason..."

He looks at me and brushes her off, "No! I will not!"

I sigh and slowly shut my locker, "Well, thanks for listening." I smile, ruffling his hair gently.

"I'm always here to listen," He winks playfully, "But not always here to decode!" He flashes a glance towards Dakota and walks away.

"What's his problem?" She asks, sneaking a pretzel in her mouth. Snacking before classes. This is why we're friends.

"I honestly don't know." I can't say I'm lying, I have no clue what's going on with him. That night at the dance, I was almost positive he was starting to have feelings for Dakota. He was obviously using Sabrina to cover up his real feelings for Dakota. This is absolutely confusing and I have no idea what's up with him.

"If he says anything in math class, tell me, okay?"

"Of course."

She gives a little wave, "See you at lunch!"

As soon as I can't see her anymore, I dart down the hall and into my classroom.

There sits Mason, in his usual desk, chatting it up with some random girl.

"Yeah, hi, s'cuse me."

The girl looks up and I smile, sliding into a seat next to him.

She gives an awkward smile and goes to her normal desk.

"What's up Casey?" Mason asks normally.

"What's up? What's up? Are you joking? What was that back there?"

He opens his math books and shrugs, "I'm just not feeling well."

My jaw slightly drops, "Hate to break it to you Mason, but that attitude is not gonna win Dakotas heart."

His pencil goes flying across the room and he stares at me in disbelief, "You think I like Dakota? Ew! What made you even think that? You know I have a thing for," he looks around, "Sabrina." He whispers as if some cop is trying hunt him down.

I try to wrap my head around it, but I'm not understanding, "But at the party-"

"Casey, listen, I love you, but sometimes you misread signals."

I give a slight frown and he grins,"Don't worry about me, just go figure out what's going on between you and Mr FBF."

I lower my eyebrows and he grabs another pencil from his pencil case, "Fake boyfriend."

I roll my eyes, "Wow, so creati-"

"Miss Matthews."

I look up at my math teacher, who points to my desk, "Is there a reason you're not in your seat?"

I bite my lip and slowly shake my head, "Sorry."

I move between desks to the front.

"No you're not."

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