Chapter 9

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"Casey watch out!" Before I get to turn around, I get pulled by the arm and out of the way.

I kneel behind the wall and hold my hand out to Mason, who high fives me.


I stay crouched and peak up from the box window cut out.

"Do you see anybody?"

My eyes try to adjust to the dark and I quickly crouch back down next to him, "someone's coming," I whisper, holding my laser gun back up to my chest.

He glances behind the wall and straightens his back, "I'm going to make a run for it, whatever you do, stay here until I'm back."

He looks both ways and runs, darting right and up the steep, around the corner.

Yes, I realize we're being quite childish and dramatic, but when it comes to laser tagging, we take our jobs very seriously.

I wait quietly with my gun ready to shoot if someone passes by, and listen as footsteps approach.

I exhale and hear them stop on the other side of the wall. All I can think about is them watching me through the window above, just waiting for me to make a move.


I recognize the voice and stay still hoping I magically become invisible. The footsteps make their way around the wall and towards me.

"Cassandra, you do realize you're not invisible no matter how hard you try to stay still, right?"

I don't move, but look up through my lashes, "bitch, I might be."

Derek laughs and extends a hand helping me up.

"What are you doing here alone?"

I keep my gun positioned to shoot if needed and avoid his eyes, "I'm not alone."

"You're with Ashton?" He sighs.


His face lightens up at the thought and he fiddled with the gun in his hand, "so what do you say we get out of here and go somewhere less distracting?"

A frown appears onto my lips and Mason comes up from behind me, "Derek? What are you doing here?"

"Ha! You're here with Scotts? Your boyfriend must be having a riot right now."

I clench my jaw, "what's wrong with Mason?" I ask defensively.

"You didn't take your boyfriend laser tagging, but you took this pinhead?"

I shoot my laser at his chest and walk away without saying anything else to him, "come on Mason."

"I can't believe you just shot Derek in the chest for me," he smiles, putting his hand to his heart.

"Don't get used to it," I playfully nudge him aside and he fiddled with his gun, "what do you say after this we go get some frozen yogurt? My treat."

Damn, he knew me too well. The only way to my heart was with a game of laser tag and food.

"That sounds fantastic right about now," I grin, thinking about how hopefully I can solve all my problems through eating yogurt.

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"You got enough yogurt there Cinderella?"

Mason hovers over my shoulder and I let go of the notch, "yes, but I'm not done yet."

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