About Me!

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Hi, reader! Here's some stuff about me! Feel free to comment things about you! Maybe we can all become internet friends!

Off we go! Believe it!~

My name is Staci. Shh, don't tell anyone. It's our secret.

I'm in 9th grade.

I'm 15-years-old and was born on December 28, 2000.

I play percussion. Drumset is bae.

I love anime, Sherlock, Doctor Who, PJO, reading, drawing, and writing. And Star Wars. And LOTR... And The Hobbit... and HTTYD..... I just love fandoms.

My fandom obsession started about two years ago.

My very first fandom was Percy Jackson.

I have strange friends, but I love them anyway.

I'm socially awkward, but mostly in person. I'm pretty outgoing on the internet.

My family doesn't like fandoms... Boo...

I have a pet beardie (a bearded dragon for those who didn't know what I was talking about) named Spike, who I always call "Bud", "Buddy", or even "Baby".

My dream job, and only job I'm interested in, is veterinarian.

I'm a vegetarian. I can't bring myself to eat animals.

I'm quite sensitive, but I act tough. I cry really easily, though I try not to.

I have ADHD and anxiety, but I try not to let them dominate my life. I struggle with my anxiety most.

I have a huge fear of needles. Not like sewing needles or anything, unless I'm not the one holding it. When others are holding needles I panic. I had such* a great time in my CTE class when we had to sew...

I'm very sarcastic and sassy. I'm like Minho or Percy on the sassy scale. (yet I have terrible comebacks...)

My first anime was FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, although my favorite is Naruto.

My favorite anime character is Minato Nakikaze from Naruto.

My favorite food is cheesecake.

I don't drink plain milk unless it's with cookies or something chocolate, because it's kinda gross. It's fine if it's in food though.

I'm a YouTube addict. My favorites are probably danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, natewantstobattle*, Game Theory, and Film Theory. But then again, I don't really know. It's just a theory. A game theory- no, that doesn't work... That's just a theory. A Film Theory- no, that doesn't work either. Dangit. I'd hoped.

Anyway, one of my favorite series is The Ranger's Apprentice.

I love Japan! <3

I'm really hungry right now but its 10:31 p.m. as I'm typing this.

Anyway, I bet you're all getting bored reading dumb, boring facts about me. I'm sorry I'm lame.

Despite that, stay awesome. Stay fangirls/fanboys.

And remember, kids, stay in fandoms.
*I was being sarcastic

*natewantstobattle is my favorite


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