Chapter 2: An Unwanted Visitor

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After a long day of training with Uncle Wallace, and catching up on what we've missed, it was finally dinner time. I was starving. Doing seven straight hours of training really does wear you down.

I walked into the kitchen, and I immediately knew what he had fixed for dinner. It was my favorite meal. Matza Ball Soup.

I went and got myself a bowl, and got a large serving of soup, and sat next to Chronic.

While we were eating, Chronic and I were talking about my training, and we had a few good laughs and whatnot.

After dinner, I went outside to the backyard, as the Sootopolis Gym basically had a house attached on the back of it.

I went over to my favorite tree, and leaned against it as I looked up into the night sky. I looked at the sky, the stars, and everything else that was in the sky.

I just loved astronomy. For my 12th birthday, I remember my parents surprised me with a telescope, and I loved every second that I used it.

I continued to look at the sky, but I then felt a strange feeling. It wasn't pain, but it felt like it. I looked around, but I wasn't being attacked. I then shouted into the night. "Who's there? ! I know your hiding! Show yourself!"

I waited a few minutes. Nothing. No one, no Pokémon, no creature had responded to my call.

Then the pain happened again. This time it was clearly a pain, and I fell to my knees, grabbing my head. This time I heard a voice in my head.

.... Hello? ..... Can.... Hear me...

I looked around. Still, there was no one to be seen. Odd.

Chronic then came outside. "Sarah? Are you out here?"

I nodded and quickly got up. "Yeah. I'm out here. What's wrong?"

Chronic looked around, clearly a bit worried. "Are you alright? Did you hear any odd voice in your head?"

I waited a moment before answering him. "... Yes. I did. It was if it was-"

"Calling out to you?" Chronic said, finishing my sentence, but more of a questioning manner.

I nodded. "Yeah. Exactly. Why do you ask?"

Chronic sighed. "That... That was the Dark One trying to call out to specifically us, trying to get us back. Whatever you do, don't do whatever the voice may say. She's also after me. Remember. I escaped with you."

I nodded. "Yeah. I remember."

Chronic sighed, taking my hand. "Come. It's getting late, and we should be getting some sleep. After all, we are going to the Cave of Origins tomorrow."

I nodded and followed him in. I ended up sleeping on the floor, and Chronic decided to sleep next to me.


Destruction, fire, cries for help. That's all I could see and hear. I knew that this was a dream, but something felt off.

I started to walk around, trying to get my bearings. As I was walking, I saw survivors of... Whatever had happened, and when they saw me, they immediately cowered away in fear, which I didn't understand. I wasn't going to hurt them or anything.

I then saw another person, and I immediately knew who it was. It was Lia, more commonly known as the Dark One.

She chuckled and walked over to me. "Ah. Isn't this lovely, Sarah?"

I growled. "Get me out of this dream. Now."

Lia shook her head. "Now now, Miss Sarah. Why ruin all the fun? After all, you did this. You set fire to this city. The one you once loved."

I gasped. No. There no way that this was Undella.

I then looked around, and then I saw the ocean, and a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "Lia. Get out of my dreams before I kill you and rip you into a million pieces."

Lia smirked. "Well, this... Isn't exactly a dream. This is exactly what will happen if you continue down this path and trust Mewtwo and Chronic. Come with me, and this... This will never happen."

I knew that she was lying. She had to be. "No. I am never coming with you! Even if my life were to depend on it!"

Lia sighed and backed away from me. "Alright then. Suit yourself. You brought this on yourself."

She then formed an Oblivion Wing, and fired it at me.

I was hit, and everything went black.


I woke up sweating, panting, and I looked around. It was just a dream.

Chronic then sat up. "Sarah? Are you alright?"

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