Chapter 14: A Flash to the Past

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I smiled and kissed him back. "I didn't know that time had almost collapsed..."
Chronic sighed. "That was in the past, and it's nothing, I assure you," he responded in a calming voice. "Anyways, there are two Pokémon I'd like you to meet. Their names are Jared and Pix."
I turned my attention to the Riolu and Vulpix that were standing by my side, and broke from Chronic's embrace, and took a knee. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah," I said with a smile.
The Riolu smiled back. "Nice to meet you, Sarah. I'm Jared, and that's Pix," he said, motioning to the Vulpix.
Instead of saying hi or anything, the Vulpix shyly smiled at me.
Jared sighed. "Pix is very timid...she doesn't like to talk a lot."
"I see," I said nodding. I then held my hand out for Pix ti smell, and she backed up a bit, but then came back and cautiously smelled my hand, and I smiled when she nuzzled it. "See? There's nothing to worry about," I said as I gently stroked the Pokémon.
As soon as my hand left Pix's soft fur, my head started to hurt, and I felt dizzy.
Everything then went black.

This was obviously a flashback of sorts, and I was a spectator, from the third person.
I saw a young Vulpix with two Ninetales, who I assumed were its parents, and one of them was shiny.
The young Vulpix looked at the shiny one. "Dad, when are we going to get home?" it asked with a whine.
The father sighed. "I'm not sure Pix. Like your mother and I have said before, the Foggy Forest is quite a while away from Treasure Town.
The mother suddenly stopped in its tracks. "Coal. Take Pix and run as fast as you can."
The other Ninetales seemed confused. "Ember, what are you talking about?"
She took a defensive stance. "We're surrounded! I knew this was Swampert territory..."
The father, quite alarmed, picked the Vulpix up by the scruff of its neck, and fled, while the mother stayed and fought.

I snapped back to reality, and it seemed as if no time at all had passed. That's when it occurred to me. Pix was the young Vulpix I saw in my vision!
Chronic kneeled by me, obviously concerned. "Sarah? Are you ok? You almost seem like you've seen a ghost."
I realized that I was heavily breathing, and I shook my head. "I-I don't know I...I had a vision..."
Grovyle then walked over. "A vision? Were you-"
"Feeling dizzy and light headed?" Jared said, finishing the sentence.
I nodded. " head was hurting like crazy...then I had a vision...I saw Pix, when she was younger..."
Chronic helped me up and pulled me into a hug. "It's was only a Dimensional Scream."
"A wh-what?" I asked shakily.
Chronic sighed. "A Demensional Scream happens when you touch an object related to some event, and you have a vision of said event. That's how it works here."
"However," Grovyle continued, "in the future, you only get Dimensional Screams about events and such that relate to Time Gears and how to obtain them and such."
It was a lot to take in, but I nodded. "Alright....well, why don't we get what we came here for?"
"Ah, yes. The Adamant Orb," Chronic said. "Right this way."

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