Chapter 16: A Dream Across Dimensions

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(Sarah's POV)

I was just as shocked as Chronic was. There was no way Lia was back. It just wasn't possible. I looked at Chronic, and I could see the same look in his eyes. "This...this can't be happening," I said under my breath, starting to shake.
Chronic sighed and took me in his embrace, and gently stroked my hair. "'s going to be ok, Sarah, everything is going to be alright, you hear me?"
I nodded. "Y-yeah. You're right. Let's just get the Orb and go back to Undella."
He sighed and nodded. "Of course. After all, the sooner we finish everything, the better."
He then walked over to an alter of sorts, where there were what looked like gears, and Chronic looked back at me. "Stay there, alright? I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen.
I nodded, but soon felt a searing pain shoot through my body, not necessarily residing in one area. I collapsed to the ground, unable to bear the pain, and eventually blacked out.


When I came to, I wasn't in Temporal Tower. That was fkr sure. But I wasn't exactly sure where I was. I then looked around, taking in my surroundings, trying to figure out where I was. Then everything clicked. I recognized where I was, but I didn't like it. I was back in Lia's castle. I tried to get up, but I was soon met with a searing pain, and was forced to stay on my knees.
Lia then appeared in front of me, a sinister grin on her face. "Why hello, Sarah. It's been a while, hasn't it?"
I growled. "How the hell are you still even alive?!"
She chuckled, and kneeled to my height, and took my chin in her hand, and made me look hwr right in the eyes. "Sarah. The truth is, you never destroyed me."
I growled. "How is that even possible? Chronic said-"
Lia suddenly interrupted me. "Sarah, Chronic lied to you. He actually had no idea what he was talking about. The real reason you reverted back to your Umbreon Pokéhuman form was because you used too much energy firing that attack at me. I just happened to time a Phantom Force at just the right moment to make it look like you had destroyed me. And there was one major flaw with your plan. You can't hurt me with Oblivion Wing. You just can't."
I growled. "I am going to ge-" I was cut off as Lia delivered a swift blow to my gut, and I cried out in pain.
Lia growled. "There is no way you will kill me, and I will see it through. You may be in another dimension right now, but-"
I cut her off. "What do you mean?"
Lia sighed. "Sarah, what I'm sayris that this is merely a dream-esque state. You are still at Temporal Tower. As I was saying...tpu might be in another dimension right now, but due to the nature of this state," she said with a grin, "I can do two things. One: I can hurt you however I please, and the effects will carry through with you, and, Two: I can travel back with you. Which will it be, little Miss Mew?"
I growled, slowly trying to get up. "I won't let you do-"
Lia cut me off by hitting me square on with a Dark Pulse, flinging me into a wall. She then walked over, grinning. "Hm. Why do I don't both?"
I then closed my eyes and looked away, trying to endure the awful pain that Lia was putting me through, expecting to soon pass out.

After what seemed like hours passed, I opened my eyes, expecting to be in Chronic's embrace. However, I was met with something I didn't want to see. I was still in Lia's castle. I groaned. "Wh-why am I still here...?"
Lia, who.was kneeling by my side, chuckled and gently stroked my hair. "Do you even know how much time has passed?"
I weakly shook my head, not having any kinda clue. "N-no..."
"About a day," Lia responded. "You're back in Undella, lying in your bed. Chronic, oh, Chronic...he's sitting by your side, wondering when you'll wake up...he doesn't want to lose you."
I growled. "L-let me out of this dream..."
She grinned, and traced my spine, causing me to shiver. Only Chronic did that to me. "Only under one condition, sweetheart. I come with you."
I clenched my fist, tears coming to my eyes. " as you must...."
I then felt a sharp pain, and everything went black.


When I woke up, everything was just as Lia had described it. I then let out a groan, which obviously caught Chronic's attention.
He kneeled by the bed, and hugged me, in tears. "'re alright...I thought you'd n-never wake up..."
To the best of my abilities, I hugged him back. "I'm ok, Chronic...but..."
He gave me a concerned look. "But? But what?"
I shook my head. "I-I don't know exactly where, but Lia's here. In this house..."

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