Chapter 21: A Boatload of Truths

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Lia mumbled under her breath, but she did get off of me, and as soon as she got off of the bed, Dad grabbed her. "Lia," he said in a calm, yet stern tone. "What in the world were you doing to Sarah?"
Lia growled. "I was trying to get her to fulfil my side of the prophecy! It's clearly the best!"
Dad sighed as he turned to Mom. "Cynthia, what do you think we should do?"
Mom shook her head. "I don't know...I think that at this point, we should let fate play its hand in this."

I was so focused on listening to all of what they were talking about, I nearly jumped when Chronic placed a hand on my shoulder. I then turned around. "...what do you want, Chronic?"
He sighed and swept some hair off of my face. "Sarah..." His tone...I've never heard this type of tone from him before. It was clearly one that had a combination of anger, regret, and a bit of fear. However, I allowed him to continue instead of interrupting him. "Sarah, I...I need to talk to you about something...alone."
At that point, I realized that Mom and Dad left, they probably had some League business or whatever, but Lia was still there, and was sitting on a chair. I then thought for a moment about what Chronic had said, and it sent me into a blush. Why? I'm not even sure myself. I think it's because it has something to do with our relationship. But the specifics? I had no clue. I then turned my attention back to Chronic. "Wh-what is it? What...what do you want to talk to me about?"
He sighed. "Well, I guess Lia can stay in here if she wants... Anyways...I need you to promise to me that no matter what, you won't get angry or mad at me."
I hesitated. What was he going to tell me? Oh Arceus...please don't let it be that he doesn't love me anymore... But I then nodded. "Y-yeah. I promise."
He sighed. "Sarah....where do I even begin with see, I've known it all along...from the very beginning, I knew."

I gave him a very skeptical look. "Huh? What are you talking about? What have you known all along?"
With a sigh, he pulled me up against himself, and held me in a hug, as if the world depended on it, and he began to sway a bit. "Sarah...what I'm saying is that I've known that Lia is your sister. I...I just didn't know how to tell you. I had no clue whatsoever about what your reaction was going to be. Because of all that, I decided to let everything play out...and let you find out when the time was right," he said before pausing for a brief moment. "Sarah, I...I lied back when we were together in the cell with Lia. The place that I took you...that was one of the least likely outcomes of this whole mess of a that time, I couldn't bear to tell you the actual truth. I know how all of this is going to end, and all I can say to you is this: I love you. I love you with all of my heart. I...I don't want you to forget that. Ever."

After he was done talking, the room was so silent, you could probably hear a pin being dropped. I then let everything sink in for a moment. I understood why Chronic wouldn't tell me about Lia and all, but something was still bothering me. The second part of what he said. Why wasn't he straightforward with me the first time? He never directly told me which prophecy I ended up following in the end, and he told me the whole little "I love you" spiel.
And then it hit me. That is the type of thing someone would say if they knew someone was......Chronic was telling me that one of us is going to end up dying in the end.
It was at that point that all of my emotions caught up and hit me in the face like a brick wall, and I broke down into tears. I buried my face into Chronic's chest and let everything out

All the while, he was trying to comfort me, knowing I needed it. "Sarah. Listen to me. Everything is going" he said, oddly trailing off.
With my head still in his chest, I barely mumbled. "Wh-what is i-it?"
He cursed under his breath. "Lia...she slipped away using Phantom Force while I wasn't paying attention. And something tells me that she already knows how it's going to end..."
I then continued to cry, my emotions still too much for me to handle.

I'm not sure how long I cried, but it seemed like forever. I then looked up at Chronic. "C-can you tell me who..."
He shook his head and gently stroked my hair. "Sarah...I wish I could, but if I did, there would be unwanted circumstances, and things would be disastrous."
I nodded. "A-alright...what d-do we do now...?"
Chronic sighed. "That's up to you...but no matter how long you try and delay everything, it is going to end at some point or the other."
I nodded. "Right...let's go home...but there's something I need to tell you first."
He gave me a look. "And that is?"
I sighed. "Let's get the remaining Kalos Legendaries first, then deal with Unova."
Chronic nodded, smiling. "Sounds like a plan."
And with that, he teleported the two of us back to our villa in Undella Town.

(A/N: Wow...that was...just wow. Anyways, this is the last chapter of Clashing Lands and Dimensions. The first chapter of the next book, A Showdown Until the Finish, will probably be up sometime next week.
Anyways... *puts on a bathing suit* If you excuse me, I have a feelings pool to jump into. *goes off of the diving board into the deep end of the feelings pool*)

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