CHAPTER TWO: Reencounter

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As the Hokage had said, indeed an ANBU came later that afternoon to give me the key to my new apartment. It was right next to Sasuke's, so I just took a few steps to the right from his front door and walked inside my new home before closing the door behind me. I let out a sigh before I rested my back against the door.

"It's weird to be back..." I slid down until my bottom hit the floor. I had forgotten the warmth around the Konoha Village. How everyone wandered around happily without a care in the world, trusting the peace the Hokage had built. How you can have a home, a family, friends, comrades... People to take care of, to protect.

I smiled softly. I had forgotten the most important thing in my life. Of course, I missed my family, Hikari, Shisui, Mom, Dad, Ryusuke, Hayato... Even Hyori, Kazuki, Takeshi...

But there was still one name that made chills run down my back. A name that I still couldn't dare to mention, fearing that he might appear somewhere next to me. I wasn't ready to see him. Even after five years, I wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

I didn't know if he knew about me still being alive, but if he did, I was thankful that he hadn't made a move to meet me just yet. I wouldn't know how to react. If I should run at him and hug him for dear life, or if I should turn my back on him and run as fast as my feet could take me.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. I missed him. I missed his sweet gentle voice, his soft silky hair, his sweet lips, his caresses... I wanted him. Badly. I couldn't imagine a life without him, he was my one and only.

But I doubted he felt the same way about me.

I let out a dry chuckle as I stood on my feet. "I'm so stupid..." I muttered to myself as I walked into the kitchen. My eyes widened slightly when I noticed an envelope lying over the table.

I walked to it and lift it up. On it, my name was written in fine calligraphy, undoubtedly the Hokage's. I opened the letter and started reading its contents.


If you're reading this, then it means that you have settled down back where you belong. When you left, I felt bad for you, for what happened to your family. I'm deeply sorry I couldn't do anything to stop Danzo. I should've known he had something like this planned. I should've known he would only use Itachi. I should've suspected it from the moment he asked for his transfer to Root.

I'm glad you're back now, though. Probably stronger than what you could've ever become while staying here and working as a shinobi for your village. I reserved this apartment for you, 'cause I knew you were coming back. You could never forget the promise you made to me when you escorted Naruto in the Academy Ceremony. I leave him to you, please take care of him. Teach him, train him, raise him to be a Konoha shinobi.

I filled the house with the basic needs: plates, utensils... If there's anything you want from home, please feel free to enter the Uchiha Compound. It's a restricted area, but I trust you won't do anything reckless.

I left you some money, in case you need it. But this is the only cash I'm going to give you. You'll have to work to earn more.

Use it wisely.

Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I smiled at the letter and then checked the envelope to find some cash. I still had the money from the savings of my family, but a little extra wouldn't harm anybody.

I was surprised, though. The house was sparkling clean. Like the Hokage really had hired someone to take care of the place in my absence. The only problem was...

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