CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Emotions Are Such a Burden

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Two weeks later...

"Is it really like that, Kakashi-sensei?" They were all standing in front of Zabuza's tomb. The light rays of the sunset reflected against Zabuza's sword. "The ninja way? Used and be used like weapons by others?" Sakura asked as she looked back at their sensei.

"Shinobi are just weapons in the hands of fate," Kakashi replied. "There's no meaning in asking if what you do is right or wrong. It just is, and that's it. The same applies in Konoha."

"If you want my opinion, if that's what means to be a Shinobi, I'd say we're screwed," Naruto commented, turning away from the graves they made for their nemeses. "We really train for this? So, it all ends this way?"

"Do you agree with that?" Sasuke asked as he looked at Kakashi.

"Well... that's a good question... I don't have an answer. It's just something we Shinobi have to deal with every day of our lives," he replied.

"I'd say the same...even if we make our own decisions...we'll just end up like Zabuza. Being someone else's dog..." Hanako looked at the ground after saying that. "Naruto's right. We're screwed, no matter the way you look at it..."

"Well, I just made a decision." Naruto looked up. "If I'm going to be a ninja, I'm going to do it my own way."

Hanako looked at him sideways and smiled. "Yeah... you can do that..."

The stayed silent for a couple of minutes until Naruto yawned and straightened himself. "Well, I'm going back," he said. The Genin turned around to head back to the town, the other two walked with him. Kakashi followed them but stopped once he noticed that Hanako didn't move. The Uchiha was staring at the graves with solemn eyes. "Shisui..." Hanako pursed her lips as she kneeled in front of the tomb and closed her eyes.

"You know, Hanako..." Shisui hissed lowly. "This afternoon, all the members in the Force were bragging about how strong you actually were and how useful you would be for the clan..." Hanako narrowed her eyes. "...since you were the 'only' member to have ever awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan in this generation." He scoffed. "But do you know what actually pisses me off?" he inquired. "That Itachi and I did our best to keep the clan from rebelling against the village, and here you come and crash everything we've done by showing them what you could actually do and giving them hope to carry on with the coup d'état!"

Itachi looked at Hanako to find her staring expressionlessly at the older Uchiha, while Shisui just stared back―fuming―with a deep frown in his face. He was panting, doing his best to calm down but the anger got the best of him.

"I never thought that you'd be so STUPID!" he snapped, making Hanako activate her Mangekyo to glare more intently at him.

"Whatever I did, or do, is my problem, not yours," she hissed lowly.

Shisui also activated his Mangekyo―to Itachi's surprise―to glare at her equally deadly. His design consisted of a four-tipped shuriken shaped figure, in a black color with the red color of the Sharingan in its background. The younger male Uchiha was starting to feel uneasy. "I'm supposed to take care of you and make sure you're not reckless."

"Didn't we have this conversation already?" She tilted her head at him in confusion. "Because my answer it's still the same, Shisui. I never asked you to take care of me, if anything, I can take care of myself."

"It's not that, Hanako! You're straying from your path! You're walking towards darkness!" Shisui yelled at her.

"I chose that path! You can't do anything about it!" Hanako yelled back.

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