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I really want to thank all of you readers for sticking with me for so long. With these words, I mark the ending of Book 2 of the "A Lethal Weapon Series". I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you guys.

This long journey has just begun, and the next book I'm working on will hopefully clear out a lot more regarding Hanako's past. "The Five Lost Years" is a small twenty-chapter story, written as a journal of Hanako's doings. Here we will finally have a glimpse of what's going on inside Hanako's mind right from where she left Konoha after her clan was massacred in cold blood, until she came back five years later.

I'm hoping on finishing it before I start publishing it, but I already have a head start. In the meantime, I have been editing the first two books, changing things, adding a little bit more into the plot, fixing loop holes... You know, that normal stuff you do while editing.

One of the main things I changed in the first book is how Itachi and Hanako first met, and how their relationship developed. Hanako is a few months older than Itachi, so they're both ten in the book, and thirteen during the massacre. Another thing: Hanako already knew Shisui before the book began, so his death at the end of it caused a lot more of an impact than it did before.

I'm still not done with all the changes, but I will be before I start publishing "The Five Lost Years", so stay tuned.

Edited chapters can be identified with the first three words written in italics. If you see italics in the beginning of a chapter, it's edited and new. And I will not touch it anymore. If you don't see any italics, then I am not done with it, and probably I'm still working on it.

"How long will we have to wait until you start publishing again?" You might wonder. Well, I am not going to lie to you, you will have to wait at least three to four months. Yes, months. And yes, that means almost next year.

I wish I could write faster, but I also have some other business to attend to, and I can't dedicate my full time for this, I'm sorry. But, I'm glad you like it, my hobby, and my entertainment. I'm here because of it, and I'm glad you're here with me.

So, thank you.

Zaria Knox.

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