CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE: The Akatsuki's Bingo Book

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"Kakashi, you're late!" It was 8 a.m. and Hyori was beyond angry. She thought he had understood he had to meet her at 5 a.m., but then again, Kakashi's fame wasn't for nothing.

"When did you drop the appositive?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the girl. "I don't recall giving you permission to call me by my name."

Hyori scoffed. "I don't recall you giving Hanako permission either, she just started calling you that way. Didn't she?" Kakashi remained quiet as he looked at the Senju with analytical eyes. Hyori smiled. "I know there's something going on between the two of you, Hatake-san," she said. "And I hate to drop this bomb on you, but she's just using you."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Yes, you do." Hyori was serious, which left no place for Kakashi to doubt. "She wasn't in her apartment last night, was she?" she asked. The Jounin looked at her with surprise. "I know you were there, waiting. You stayed in her bedroom, all night."

"How do you...?" Kakashi was beyond confused.

"Because I was there too," she was quick to reply. "And while you were just there, waiting for her to miraculously appear, I was doing something productive." Hyori was dead serious, looking at the Jounin. "I checked her whole apartment, and I found something interesting." She smirked, showing him a crumpled piece of paper. "This was hidden under one of the sofa's cushions."

"What's that?" Kakashi frowned.

"A note," Hyori's smirk was starting to become wrecked.

"From who?" Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the girl, wondering what was she thinking.

"You'll find out soon enough," she hid the note back into her clothes. "Even though she doesn't make it seem like it, Hanako is smart. She doesn't like to plan things out, but when she does there is almost a 100% probabilities she'll get it her way."

"Where are you getting at?" Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"We need a plan B, but I can't just plan something with Kazuki and Takeshi around. They are too 'Hanako' charmed to listen to anything I could possibly say. Especially Takeshi, he's been in love with her since they were in the Academy." Kakashi pressed his lips into a thin line from under his mask. That's why the boy wasn't too happy with him the day before.


"I know a way we can sabotage her. She's not in the village, so we can freely check her bedroom, which is the only part of her apartment I didn't check." Kakashi felt his head was spinning. "Hopefully, she won't be home tonight either, so we can check it thoroughly. She isn't stupid enough to leave something that might compromise her in Konoha, but there's something she must've missed."

"So, plan B is sabotaging Hanako?"

"Just enough to get the truth out of her."

"Fine, and what are we looking for, exactly?" Kakashi asked while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Anything that could help us..." In that moment, an image of the book Hanako had been hiding from him appeared in Kakashi's mind. "You have something?" Hyori asked.

"I think I do."

* * *

Miyu finished serving the three cups of green tea for her visitors. She put the cups on a plate and brought them to the table where Hanako and Kai were sitting silently.

"So, what have you been up to all this time, Miyu?" Kai asked once he received his cup of tea. The blonde looked at him, blushing a little. Hanako noticed her face and smirked slightly.

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