CHAPTER TWENTY TWO: Darkness Awakened

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Itachi and Kisame had successfully infiltrated the Water Daimyou's mansion with ease. Even though security was pretty high in the palace, with Itachi's Sharingan a few Genjutsu were enough to deceive them and just walk inside with little to no commotion. They found their victim deep asleep in his room, comfortable in his blue night robes and satin sheets. Kisame walked to his bed and looked at the sleeping Lord as he gripped Samehada's handle tightly. They had to kill him; as peaceful as he looked with his silk pajamas and harmless everything, they had to complete their mission without demanding explanations.

Itachi closed his eyes before turning away from the Daimyou, "Do it," he said to Kisame.

The swordsman grinned before raising his sword over the Feudal Lord. "Be my guest, Itachi-san."

* * *

Hanako looked at Orochimaru with serious eyes. He was standing in front of her on the tree branch, patiently waiting for her answer. He wanted her to help him destroy Konoha, but she didn't know what to do. She knew that Konoha had its dark secrets, and she knew that the Hokage didn't want her clan to be massacred, Danzou did. The Hokage would have agreed to a peace negotiation, but Danzou wanted a carnage. Danzou was the one who deserved to be killed.

"I'm not renegotiating our deal, if that's what you think," Hanako said, looking at Orochimaru with a serious expression. "'I will not help, yet I will not stop you,' wasn't that it?"

Orochimaru smirked. "I was hoping you would reconsider," he said. "Since I don't believe you should be wasting the little time you have--"

"Little time?" Hanako raised an eyebrow. "Before what? Before I go blind?" She scoffed. "I want all the truth before I make my decision, you only speak half-truths and that's not exactly trustworthy."

"Ask the Third, then, ask for the real story of the Uchiha. Make your research," he said. "But I warn you," Orochimaru smirked. "You might not like the answer."

Hanako gulped. Orochimaru moved his hand to his pouch. Hanako noticed this and took a kunai in her hand. The man pulled out a small plastic container and tossed it to the Uchiha. "Those are eye drops made with a special recipe from the Roukoku village," said the rogue. "They won't cure your blindness but they will alleviate your pain and slow down the deterioration. Don't say I didn't do anything for you," he turned his back to the girl. "Think about it, is Konoha worthy enough of your protection?"

Orochimaru disappeared in less than a second. Hanako looked at the small plastic flask in her hand, letting out a breath she didn't know she was still holding. 'What should I do now?' she asked herself, her mind drifting into her deep thoughts.

* * *

Anko collapsed in the middle of the Forest of Death, holding tightly onto her pained neck. She lay on top of a boulder as her curse mark pulsed hurtfully. The sudden growl of a tiger made her widen her eyes in awful surprise.

The feline roared again. Anko turned around looking for a weapon in her pouch. "Come on, I don't have time for this. I have to--" she gasped in pain, holding her mark with her free hand, "...warn...the Hokage..." Anko fell onto her knees at the same time the streak approached her. Each tiger was at least six feet tall.

Anko lay herself against the stone behind her, watching the tiger in front of her with dreadful eyes. It roared again, and attacked. The Jounin closed her eyes, but nothing happened. She opened them again, and all tigers lay down defeated.

"Need some help there? Anko-san?" an ANBU mocked with a low chuckle. He had his bear mask on, playing around his short blade.

"Got nothing better to do, Nerumi?" Anko hissed.

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