CHAPTER THREE: Questioning

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"Why?!" Sasuke suddenly snapped after remaining quiet for about two minutes. "Why are you here?!" He looked at me with gritted teeth.

I sighed and looked away. I wasn't ready for this. Why the hell did you have to open the damn door, Kakashi?!

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "That's quite a warm greeting..." I commented with a soft chuckle.

"Greeting?" Sasuke asked incredulously. "You think you deserve a greeting after what you did? Ha! Don't make me laugh!" I curled my hands into fists.

"I had no other choice..."

"You left! You ran away just like Itachi did!" I lifted my eyes to look at him directly. He was raging, saying the first things that came to his mind. I was surprised he hadn't attacked me yet. "How do I know that you weren't plotting with him all these years? After all, you two were inseparable, weren't you?!" My eyes widened before I narrowed them into slits.

"Kono...." Now it was my turn to grit my teeth.

"Hanako." Kakashi said in a warning tone as he looked at me with his eyes narrowed.

"Stay out of it, Kakashi." I replied. "This is between him and me." I activated my Sharingan to glare at the Genin. "You're speaking too much for a kid who can barely understand what happens around him."

"I'm speaking too much?" He raised an eyebrow. "Fine, let's hear you speak, then. How about an explanation on why you abandoned me five years ago?"


"That's the only thing I want to hear." Sasuke said seriously. "This is the only chance I'll give you, Hanako. If you can't answer me, you're just as bad as Itachi." My eyes widened at that.

"Fine." I sighed as I looked at the ground. "I'll tell you deserve the truth, Sasuke." I smiled softly at him before I turned to look at Kakashi. "Would you mind?"

The silver haired Jonin looked at me with narrowed eyes before he nodded softly. "All right. But you know, I'll still ask you about it. And I'll keep asking, until you answer me." he said as he walked outside the apartment. Sasuke and I both looked at him as he left, before I let the raven haired boy inside—closing the door swiftly behind him.

"So?" Sasuke looked at me expectantly.

"Take a seat." I motioned him to the couch in my living room. "This will take a while."

* * *


"What the...?" I muttered as I watched Takeshi sprint out of the restaurant.

"Wow! Nice one, Ren!" Kaichi laughed as he lifted his hand towards his teammate—waiting for him to high-five it. "Even I believed you for a moment."

"I wasn't joking..." Ren muttered as he looked down at the table they were sitting at. "I really saw her."

"Don't tell me you can see dead people!" Kaichi raised an eyebrow at him.

"No..." Ren sighed. "I know what?" He shook his head with a chuckle. "Just forget about it." After that, Ren stood up and started heading outside of the restaurant.

"Oi, Ren!" Kaichi called after him as he stood up as well. "Where are you going?"

The blue haired boy only lifted his hand to wave at him with his back still turned to him.

"Oh, come on!" Kaichi clicked his tongue and followed him. "You're not mad, are you?"

I only stared at them silently as they left the restaurant. Was it true? Had Ren really seen Hanako?

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