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 "He's Shun's father." Kakashi looked at Hanako's face, trying to analyze her expression. But he always seemed to go back to where he started. It didn't matter from how long he had known her, it was impossible for him to decipher her.

Hanako knew that Kakashi probably didn't understand what she was talking about. He probably didn't even know who Shun was. The girl gulped and looked at the ground. "Shun was the boy I killed during the preliminaries when I took the Chunin Exams," she explained. "He thought his father had died the night I burnt down the town in the outskirts of Iwagakure..." Hanako focused her eyes on the shinobi in the black garment. "But he's still alive." Kakashi didn't say anything, he only listened to her silently. "I killed his son. I still haven't redeemed myself for that."

"He's still our enemy, Hanako..."

"I know," she said as she looked at him.

"And yet you want to save him?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow at that.

Hanako didn't say anything as she looked back at the man with the gang leader. The leader of the gang had let go of Shun's father and walked away. The guards quickly followed after him, leaving Shun's father behind.

"I know you two are there," Shun's father said in a clear voice after the leader was out of hearing range. "Come out."

Hanako was the first one to walk out from their hiding place. "Why did you bring us here?" she asked.

"Because you are my prisoners," the man replied to her in a steady voice. "Although it makes me did you get out of your jail cell?"

Hanako smirked. "I have special abilities."

"I figured," the man narrowed his eyes as he looked at her. "What other abilities do you have?"

"If you manage to stick around, maybe you can witness them." Kakashi appeared right beside the Uchiha brunette. "Now, please. Would you be so kind of answering the question?"

"You were lurking around our base," the man replied grimly. "Of course I would imprison you."

"You could have just killed us," Hanako interjected. "That way, you wouldn't have gone through the pain of explaining your boss how we escaped." She smirked. "But we have unfinished business, don't we?"

"I killed your father," said the man. "Are you going to kill me now, get your revenge?"

"No," Hanako shook her head. "I'm not interested in killing you until I don't hear a proper answer."

The shinobi looked at her with pursed lips, rounding in his mind the idea of telling her the truth. "I need your help."

Of all the excuses the man could possibly give, Hanako seriously didn't expect that one.

Time elapsed: 41 hours 56 minutes

"I need your help, to get out of here," he said in a crumbled voice, as if he were just about to break. "I've been trapped here for eight years. I want to leave, so I can go back to my family." Hanako's eyes softened after she heard him speak. He didn't know what had happened after the fire, did he? "I know what I did was wrong, and I understand if you don't want to help me. I truly want to make it better, Uchiha Hanako. If you help me, I will do whatever you want."

"Don't talk as if you owed me, you don't." Hanako looked at him in the eyes, noticing the sadness in his orbs and the pain hidden in the scars of his face. "You survived, but you abandoned your family because you didn't want them to see you like this. You were afraid," she said.

"I am..." he confirmed. "But my wife, my sons... It's been eight years!" A lone tear escaped his orb. "When I saw you, I realized how much time had passed. How much I've missed..." More and more tears started to fall from his eyes. "I want to go back, but I'm trapped here."

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