CHAPTER TEN: Mercenary of the Leaf

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Naruto and Sasuke decided to practice a little more in their chakra control for that day. So, they went to the woods since morning and haven't come back. Hanako looked constantly at the door, the two boys hadn't shown any signs of being alive.

Tsunami was fixed in not eating until the boys returned, so she took her time to prepare dinner. Hanako sighed and looked at the Jonin beside her. Kakashi was calmly reading his book. The Uchiha rolled her eyes. She should also be out there, maybe figuring what the hell was going on in Kirigakure. It had to be something serious for Kisame and Zabuza to meet.

She could also be tracking Gatou down now that she knew where his base was. She didn't say anything to Tazuna or Kakashi, she was afraid they might want to do something reckless. Not that she's exempt, though. According to Itachi and even Hayabusa, she excelled in imprudence. Then what the hell was she still doing in there?

"Hey, Kakashi," she looked at the guy next to her.

"Hm?" He didn't even look up at her from his book. Maybe he was still mad at her for what had happened the day before. Or maybe he was just too "concentrated."

"Do you...happen to have any cash?" Hanako smiled innocently. At this, Kakashi looked at her.

"What do you need money for?" He raised an eyebrow. She only looked at him, trying to convince him with one look. Kakashi scoffed at her and shook his head. "Use your own money," he said.

"Pwease," Hanako rested her head on his shoulder while looking up at him with big puppy eyes. Kakashi looked at her from the tip of his eye.

"Do you really think you are going to convince me with that pretty face of yours?" Hanako just nodded, not taking her eyes off him. She knew that Kakashi wasn't going to agree that easily, so she put plan B into action and discreetly moved her hand towards his back pouch.

"Where is your money?"

"I gave it to someone who needed it..." She was so close to taking his wallet that she smirked unconsciously. Kakashi had been staring at her face, and he sighed when he noticed her hand right behind his pouch.

"Well, in that case," he took her hand in his and smirked at her. "It's not my fault you're out of money." He smirked down at her from behind his mask and Hanako feigned surprise.

"Oh man...Guess I'll just have to use this then," she commented as she pulled out her other hand from his pocket with a couple of bills. She winked at him when his eye widened. "Thanks Kakashi, I'll pay you back." And she quickly disappeared behind the door.

Tazuna had been watching them while he drank his green tea at the table. When the girl ran out the door with Kakashi's money, he burst out laughing. "That's the problem with girlfriends," he commented. "They're the reason your wallet is always empty."

Kakashi sighed tiredly. "She empties my wallet, and she's not even my girlfriend."

"She's not?" Tazuna questioned in surprise. "Then, what is she?"

"We have been friends for a long time. Just that," Kakashi said, continuing his reading.

Tazuna hummed. "Well, what a waste. You two looked cute together." Kakashi didn't look at him. Sakura became interested in knowing if there was history behind Hanako and her sensei, or at least getting to know anything about the Uchiha's lovers. Because a woman like her should've had at least a couple, right?

Sakura smiled to herself, planning to ask Hanako about it when she returned.

* * *

"Thank you." Hanako smiled at the waitress when she placed her food in front of her on the table. She chose this restaurant for two main reasons. One, Gatou was constantly seen in this place for important meals along with one or two of his subordinates. Two, this was the best restaurant in the Land of Waves and well...she was hungry. She had ordered a big bowl of Udon with a side plate of Inarizushi. When she took the first bite of her food, she hummed in pleasure when all the flavors melted into her mouth. "This is so good," she commented before taking the second bite.

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