CHAPTER FIVE: I'm Sorry For Your Loss

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I walked along the moisty woods that would take me to the Land of Waves. I wore my Akatsuki robe-black with red clouds-and a hat made of hay with a bell hanging from its edge, which ringed at every swift movement. In every step, I would hear its melodic sound, playing a symphony as I walked.

The only thing I didn't like about it, was that it alerted every shinobi that could possibly be near me, but it was part of the organization's policy to wear it while travelling, so enemies wouldn't recognize our identities.

I frowned when I suddenly heard a twig break from behind me, even under the bell's noise. I halted on my step and waited for the enemy to make another sound. I moved my eyes to look around and smirked when the intruder didn't make a move, even though it was pretty obvious that I had already noticed him.

Another sound caught my attention. This time it seemed to be like a gust of wind, and one that I recognized almost immediately. I reached my hand behind me to grab my sword, Samehada, and quickly pulled it out of its bands at the time another large sword flew towards me in a circular motion. I clashed my sword against it, making it fly back to the opposite direction. My grin widened when the sword was caught by a tall man, dressed in the typical clothes worn by Kirigakure's best trained swordsmen.

"Zabuza." I greeted the man with a malicious grin, which he returned from under his half-bandaged face.

"You came sooner than I expected," the man replied with a chuckle as he shoved his sword back to his back. "Eager to get away from the Akatsuki for a while?"

"No, actually they are quite an interesting gang. Almost remind me of how you guys were." Zabuza chuckled again.

"No one can be what we used to be," he said. "We were almost known as the demons and monsters of the Mist."

"Almost?" I raised an eyebrow at that and Zabuza and I laughed at that.

"Anyway, you made sure no one had been following you, right? With that bell you have in your hat, I'm afraid that in Konoha they didn't hear you." I grinned at that.

"Who in their right mind would follow a former member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, especially if he is going to meet another member? They would know they'd be dead meat if they're discovered." I raised my brows. "No one is brave enough to take that risk."

"You would be surprised with the stupidity among the brains of these people." Zabuza grinned back as he tilted his head to the side and cracked his bones.

"You mean like the child who followed you here?" I asked as I poked my chin in the direction where I saw a kid, no more than twelve with an ANBU mask, hiding in some trees. Zabuza turned his head to look at the kid and sighed.

"Haku, didn't I tell you to stay back while I dealt with this?" he asked the boy with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, but I wanted to make sure you were safe, Zabuza-san."

"I told you I was meeting with an old friend, why would I be in danger?"

I smirked when the boy didn't say anything but instead jumped and landed right beside Zabuza. "So, he's with you?"

"I found him not long ago and have been training him since, he's quite skilled in ninja abilities so he's good company to have around."

"You're using a little boy? That's cruel even for you, Zabuza." The man only smirked.

"Like I said, no one can be what we used to be, Kisame."

"Are you Hoshigaki Kisame-san?" The boy, Haku, asked. "The owner of the Samehada sword?"

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