CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE: Late for the Show but Ready to Go

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The audience roared in the arena. It was eight o'clock in the morning, and most participants were already standing in the middle of the battle field. They all looked at each other, noting that there were only two missing: Sasuke and Dosu.

Genma Shiranui looked at the participants with a frown while biting a toothpick. The Hokage had made him the new proctor of the test when they found Gekko's body a couple of nights earlier. Not only his, but Dosu's body was also found all crushed in the middle of the streets. Poor guy, he must've had a horrible death. "Listen you brats, there has been a change in the alignments," Genma announced, his tired eyes skimmed through each of the contestants. "You will have the same opponents, however, none of you will fight twice. One of the candidates has been incapacitated. I'm not telling you who, figure it out yourselves."

"It's not Sasuke, is it?" Naruto asked Shikamaru, who was standing beside him in the line of participants.

"I don't think so, it must be the one from the Sound. I haven't seen either of them in a while. And none of them is here." Naruto nodded at Shikamaru's words and looked at the entrance gate.

"Where's Sasuke, though, he should be here by now."

* * *

Hanako looked at Sasuke and smiled. "You have improved." Sasuke blinked a couple of times before looking around him. The grounds were intact, except for the marks he and Kakashi had made during training.

"What did just happen?" he asked confused, he was sure he had been fighting Hanako just moments ago.

"Hanako used a Genjutsu on you to measure your abilities," Kakashi explained, snapping his book shut. He had been reading while Hanako tested the Genin. "Did you seriously think we would let you waste chakra before your fight?"

"Even with all the chakra in the world, I don't think it's possible for him to defeat Gaara," Hanako shrugged.

Sasuke glared at her. "Well, thanks for the vote of confidence."

Hanako chuckled and patted Sasuke on his head. "Just be careful, okay?"

"Should we get going, then? I'm worried they skip Sasuke's fight and declare Gaara the winner by default." Kakashi looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow.

"Come on," Hanako rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure the Feudal Lords are here to watch Sasuke's match, they wouldn't let the proctor skip it. They probably switched it to last." Hanako smirked. "Besides, they know Orochimaru wouldn't like it either, so they will definitely not take such a risk."

Kakashi frowned. "I guess you have a point there. Well then, let's go."

"You guys go ahead," Hanako hurried to say before Kakashi and Sasuke left. "There's something I have to do first." Kakashi shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said.

* * *

Hanako walked slowly in one of the training arenas. That was probably the last day she could roam around freely in the village, and she wanted to take the most of it.

"Did you actually think I was going to leave you alone?" When Hanako heard Kai's voice, she rolled her eyes.

"Stop following me, Kai."

Kai shook his head, "No way. I came to Konoha so we could be together again, and now you're telling me to leave?" he asks. "That's not going to happen, right Miyu?"

"Like hell it will," Miyu appeared from behind a tree with Doku right by her side. "We were productive this past month actually," Miyu smirked, which made Hanako frown. "We brought someone you might want to see. She has been asking for you." Hanako had an idea of who it was, but she was afraid of how she would react.

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