CHAPTER SEVEN: The Land of Waves

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"Are you heading out?" A deep voice made me jump.

I was in my apartment, checking my weapons when Hayabusa appeared on my window. I looked at him from over my shoulder and sighed. "I think I told you to come only if I summoned you."

"I know, but I had to make sure you would be on time to meet the Daimyo." I rolled my eyes at that.

"I'm never late."

"You say so," he said. "Don't feel bad though, must be genetics." I glared at him while pressing my lips tighter together.

Hayabusa entered the room and rested over the bed's back. After a few moments, I just shook my head and continued checking the sharpness of the knives and shuriken.

"What did Kakashi say about you not coming with Team 7 for the mission?" he suddenly asked. I looked back at him and raised an eyebrow.

"But I am coming with them." I smirked slightly when the falcon sighed.

"You are well aware of what I mean."

I chuckled. "Well, he's suspicious." I said as I proceeded to put away all the weapons inside the backpack I would be carrying during the mission.


"Kakashi is too smart for his own good. He knows there's something going on, and I'm afraid it won't take him long to figure it out." I explained. I put my backpack on after putting on a black cloak, and raised the hood over my head. "Besides, he's been watching me all this time. He has to know something at this point."

"You really don't care about consequences, do you?" Hayabusa asked tiredly.

"There are no consequences. I haven't done anything...technically." I scratched the back of my head while I searched through my thoughts for something that might place the guilt on me, but I found nothing.

"You are an S-rank criminal, Hanako! That's what you did!" he exclaimed.

"Oh that..." I chuckled again. "Well," I put my hand back down. "In my defense, I was just an ignorant kid."

"A kid who destroyed a civilian town at the outskirts of Iwagakure, a kid who ruined the peace treaty between Iwa and Konoha—"

"Hey! That treaty was already broken, the Tsuchikage sent his ninja to kill the Third Hokage!"

"For some reason, the elders just remember you defying the Third Tsuchikage and going against the Village's policies." Hayabusa narrowed his eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me..." My mouth fell open. "They still believe it was my fault? This is stupid..." I rolled my eyes before I went out of the apartment.

It was a calm night. I had decided, from the moment I was given this mission, that it was better to head out in late hours than early in the morning. It is easier for me to move around after dawn.

I moved silently through the forest with Hayabusa flying behind me. When I got closer to the gates, I squinted my eyes to see people at the opening. My eyes narrowed when the Jonin, got into a fighting stance. I stopped a few meters away from them and raised an eyebrow at their weird behavior.

"Where are you going?" asked one of them.

"A mission." I replied nonchalantly. The Jonin frowned at my response and heightened their guard.

"In the middle of the night?" I smirked.

"Yes. The Hokage told me to leave when I saw it fit, so I'm leaving now."

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