Islam and Friends

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Not everyone on earth are fortunate enough to be blessed with good friends. 

Friend's can make or break your world. 

Friends in todays time arent true or real anymore. Be happy and feel blessed if you have a friend who loves you for you, and who always always looks out for you.

Alhamdu lillah Allah ta'aala has been very kind towards me. He blessed me with loadsssss of good friends and few pretend friends. Both of them have taught me alottttt of things.

But whenever friend or friendship is mentioned i cannot help but remember Abu Bakr Siddique. He was the Prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) best friend. And he was also the first man who accepted Islam.

He was the bestest companion a man could ever wish for.  

He had sooooo much faith in his friend Mohammad ( pbuh ) that he gave away his wealth, his position, his reputation EVERYTHING and helped the Prophet ( pbuh ) and accepted Islam.  

He gave away his wealth, in helping the Prophet ( pbuh ) with the poor. 

He gave away his position, by accepting Islam. 

And he lost his reputation, because he converted to a new religion.

But Allah the most mercyful got Abu Bakr EVERYTHING back.  

He became the Caliph. And the people of Arabia looked up to him.

There was this friend in history who could die for his best friend LITERALLY. 

And then there was the other, Asad his name was. He was a very wealthy man with a lott of knowledge.

Asad was best friends with the Prophet Mohammad's ( pbuh ) paternal Uncle Abu Lahab. 

Abu Lahab went against Prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) and tried to kill him. He was the Prophet's Uncle but he didnt want to part ways with the religion of his forefathers. The Prophet ( pbuh ) suffered many hardships by the hands of his Uncle.

Now Abu Lahab had gathered some people along with his best friend Asad and they were discussing as to why Mohammed ( pbuh ) is doing this ( spreading the word of Allah ). 

Asad apart from being a very well educated man was also an excellent speaker. His words held sooo much power that almost all the people would follow him. His words would move and influence them that much.  

So Asad said he would like to speak with the Prophet ( pbuh ) and ask him why he was doing that ? And for what ?

He came to the Prophet ( pbuh ) and spoke with him. After he finished Allah revealed certain versus to the Prophet ( pbuh ) which spoke about very very old things that even many educated people in Arabia wouldnt know. And the Prophet ( pbuh ) did not know how to read or write. So Asad was shocked. Faith filled his heart when the Prophet ( pbuh ) said that these aren't his words but the words of Allah. And Asad knew that there was no way that the Prophet ( pbuh ) could know that. 

Asad wanted to accept islam after that but he said why should he do it alone, why not get the others too with him. They could all testify to the oneness of Allah toghter.

So Asad then went to Abu Lahab, who along with the others was waiting for him. But as soon as Abu Lahab saw Asads face he realised that Mohammad ( pbuh ) got to him. And Abu Lahab then looked at Asad and told him that if he doesnt go and spit at the Prophets ( pbuh ) face then their friendship is over.  

Asad and Abu Lahab were childhood friends and for the sake of friendship Asad spat on the Prophet. As soon as he did that Allah ta'aala made sure to remove the faith he had got.

So on the Day of Judgement when you see a man walking while eating/chewing his arm/shoulder in anger know that it is Asad.  

His friendship to a wrong person costed him Heaven.

So be very very careful who you choose to be friends with. Wrong people and wrong company takes away your family, your true friends, your God and your character from you.  

These people already ruined their lives and now would ruin yours too.

Always keep good companions, they stay with you not only in this world but you would surely meet them in Heaven too insha Allah.

Be nice with others if you want others to be nice with you. Being rude and mean and arrogant gets you no where. Not in this world and not in the here after.

We learn more things from our friends than we do from family. Because they are the ones with whom we spend most of our time with. They are they ones who encourage us and discourage us from doing things. So if they themselves do not know whats good and whats not or they are too jealous or self centred to think about you then they will not only lead themselves but also you onto the wrong path.  

We learn different and new things from our friends, and am certain mums would agree to that more than anyone. Because as soon as school begins kids naughtyness increases, because they learn new things from friends and some kids encourage the naughty stuff soo much that after coming home thats all the mother gets to witness. Lol

May Allah bless us all with friends who are good for us and we for them. May pretend friends become a myth. Ameen

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