When Do We Become Muslims??

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When do we become Muslims???

You dont become muslim if you believe only in Allah and not the Prophet ( pbuh ) or if you dont believe in His oneness. You become muslims when 

* you believe in the oneness of Allah 

* you believe in the Prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) 

* you believe in the Prophets who came before Prophet Mohammad ( pbuh ) 

* you believe in the Angels 


* you believe in the Holy Books  

.Zabur ( Holy book of David pbuh ) 

.Injeel ( Holy book of Jesus pbuh ) 

.Tawraat or Torah ( Holy book of Moses pbuh ) 

.Qur'an ( Holy book of Prophet Mohammad pbuh )

You would be a muslim only if you have faith in THAT ^ 


Now since thats cleared lets go to the part of WHAT muslims are supposed to do? ... Why are they different from the other religions?? What makes a muslim, a muslim??

1. Oneness of Allah : 

Belief in the oneness of Allah, without associating partners or children to Him. 

Associating partners or children to Allah is the BIGGEST sin, which wont be forgiven. And which will lead the person to an eternity of Hell fire.

2. Salaat ( prayer ) : 

It is a gift from Allah.  

Pray 5 times a day. 

1. Before sun rise 

2. Morning/Lunch time 

3. Afternoon 

4. Evening 

5. Night 

And it takes not more than 5-10 minutes max. Cant we even take that much time out for our Lord, who blesses us with what all our heart desire's and also the things that we didnt ask for?

Apart from the compulsory prayers one can pray whenever they want to too.

The day we got the gift of Salaat, we also got another gift from the most Merciful Allah this gift is, 

When we think of doing a sin no punishment will be written for it but if we do it one punishment will be written. 

However when you think of doing a good deed then rewards will be written for you till you do it. And when you finally do it the reward will be doubled.

Narrated by Abdullah 

' I asked the Prophet ( pbuh )  

Which deed is the dearest to Allah?' 

He replied,' To offer prayet at their early stated fixed times.' 

I asked, 'What is the next?' 

He replied,' To be good and dutiful to your parents.' 

I asked again, ' What is the next?' 

He replied,' To participate in jihad ( jihad doesnt mean terrorism it means strife in the way of Allah ).'

3. Fasting : 

It is compulsory or Fard on every matured healthy male and female to fast in the Holy month of Ramadan. 

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