Women ?? Arent they oppressed??
The value of wome in islam is HUGE.
People say that we are restricted and that we are inferior to men. But lets not forget that these women were made from mans rib, NOT from his legs to be looked down upon and NOT from his head or shoulders to be called superior.
In the world people, normal humans make me feel inferior to men when my Lord clearly said that, men and womens are equals, in somethings men have more knowlegde than women and in others women over men.
Why do the people and society keeps on talking rubbish about how women are treated soo poorly in our religion ?
Is staying home and wanting to look after the kids and doing home chores instead, a sin ??
If a women wants to work, let me tell u that they can. Its no big deal !!!
She IS allowed to work provided that her husband is happy with her working and that she does proper hijab ( covers herslf properly).
Sometimes their occurs problems in some realtionships because the husband was jealous of his working wifes male colleagues or because she didnt come home on time or she doesnt spend enough time with the kids.
Its a different thing when a women HAS to work to feed her family due to financial reasons, and its a completely different thing when a women WANTS to because she is, u know just bored at home, or wants to work to get some extra money in her pocket.
Am not saying its bad, am just saying it creates problems in relationships.
But if her husband is supportive she can work.
My mother works too, but from home and insha Allah am planning on working too because i want to help people for Allahs sake ( i aint becomeing a dentist for nothing now ).
But seriously ask the poor working women how much they wanna quit there jobs because they feel horrible that they cant spend time with there kids or how much hectic its for them to juggle a house, kids and work, these women CANNOT leave there job because they NEED to work for some or the other financial reasons.
Mans job is to work and provide for his family and to protect them.
A women is a home maker, THATS THE BIGGEST JOB OF ALL.
Working doesnt make someone superior over the other.
Always remember that ur intention should b pure in everything that u do, because that is counted by Allah.
If u intend to do something with the intention of pleaseing ur Lord then ull surely gain success and also be reward by Allah.
The Messenger of Allah ( pbuh ) has said: ' Be kind to women. '
Islam honours women as daughters and encourages us to raise them well.
It is said that when Allah is happy with u He sends guests.
When He is even more happy He allows it to rain.
And when He is even even more happy He gives daughters.
Ive heard some girls say
' How come guys have sooo much freedom??!! Why can they go out when they what to and where they want to while girls have to stay home or have time restrictions and all??'
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