Why Do Muslims Fast?

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Why do Muslims fast?

Fasting means to abstain from food and drink.But well thats a literally meaning isnt it?  

For Muslims, fasting has a whole longer and more valuable definition then that ^.

Fasting for us not only means that we have to abstain from food and drinks, it also means that our tongue should fast ( we shouldnt lie or gossip) , our eyes should fast ( we should lower our gaze and also abstain from seeing anything pornographic or pornish), our ears should fast ( shouldn't hear gossips or music), our genitals should fast ( no intercourse/sex while fasting, or getting aroused on purpose/intentionally)

But why should we do that? How come we not eating and drinking make Allah happy? What happened to His love of 70 mothers??????

Before you guys get your guns out to blow me up for those ^ questions, let me tell you that those questions are perfectly reasonable. But the only problem is that even though ive tried soooooo hard to show people, to tell them, to convey to them that ' ISLAM IS PERFECT BUT MUSLIMS ARENT ' they still dont get it.

We are ORDERED by Allah to fast, He will be happy with us not because we abstained from food and drink, but because we GAVE UP our food and drink and for the amount of time we fasted, we realized what its like to be poor.

Am sure almost all the muslims, when they fast, think about the people who do not have food or water. Think about those people who eat just once a day because they dont have any money to buy food.

Islam didnt make the caste system, it didnt create racism, but it created brotherhood. 

The most beautiful site for me will always and forever be seeing people pray. No matter what their status is, no matter if they are rich or poor, no matter if the person is a king or a peasant, EVERYBODY stands together, side by side and pray. Equals in the eyes of Allah.

Anyways fasting also helps to shed our sins.  

So by fasting, we not realize the hardships of a poor person but to top it off our sins will be forgiven too. 

Apart from these, fasting helps us to stay away from bad/sinful things, the things we should do all the time, are the ones we do only when we are fasting or during Ramadan is a very shameful thing.

Even science has a lott to stay about the benefits of fasting.

1. There may be wider effects of fasting beyond changes in weight,specifically on brain cells. 

2. Fasting makes cells stronger and more resistant to disease. 

3. Fasting makes you healthier. 

4. Fasting makes you sharper. 

5. People will have more control over sexual desires. ( thats why Prophet Mohammad pbuh had said that, if a person cannot marry then he/she should fast).

The Prophet Mohammad pbuh had said nearly 1400yrs ago that ' fast and flourish' , meaning fast and be healthy. Subhan Allah.

So, we are listening to Allah and fasting and becoming healthy, thats what makes Allah happy. 

Dont take the love of 70 mothers for grated. Allah would never make us suffer if He hadnt seen it to benefit us. 

The other fact that makes Him happy is that even though we have food and water ready to be consumed we still dont break our fast till the times up.  

He really really likes that in us, that even though we can, we dont break our fast before its time, because we know that Allahs watching us even if nobody else is.  

Remember and find peace in the knowledge that when no ones their, Allah IS. He would NEVER abandon us EVER. Alhamdu lillah. ( praise be to Allah)

Fast and be grateful and help the needy. Why???  

Well haven't we experienced enough by starving ourselves!!!! And that was only from sunrise to sunset. Some people eat only once a day, or once in two days or only Allah knows how many times in a year.

So not being ungrateful and selfish and a miser is what MY FASTS TAUGHT ME. But what about your???

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