Ungrateful Us

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  • Dedicated to Nada Khan


Ungrateful Us

Us muslims are such ungrateful people. We always whine and cry over things that we dont have and in that process miss out on enjoying the things which we do. 

We want people to respect us even though we dont respect them. 

We want honesty from people, but we ourselves lie and cheat, more over we discourage people who are honest. We tell them honesty in todays world will lead them nowhere. 

We want people to trust us while we ourselves betray them. 

And we want loyalty from the people we roam around and live with, but well we ourselves stab them in the back.

Somewhere along the road, we have forgotten our teachings, we have forgotten Islam. 

We think that praying five times a day, fasting an entire month, Haj and Charity will save us from the fires of hell, even though we be rude with our neighbors, lie and cheat with out friends, dishonor our wife and children.

I have seen a lottt of people who pray religiously but they also lie and gossip and cheat with a passion.

But did anyone of you sat and thought what if Allah ta'aala rejects our prayers? What if He says that He doesnt wanna accept it?  

Allah ta'aala will never reject good characters, good manners, remember that. ( that doesnt mean you shouldnt pray, it just means do both, one cant keep you away from the other, alhamdu lillah)

Remember Islam taught us, our Prophet pbuh taught us that respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained and loyalty is returned.

There was this women who behaved very badly with people. She was rude and mean and nobody liked her ( like obviously, who would want to hang out or be neighbors with a person who cant stop being mean?) 

People around her were certain that she would go to hell ( LITERALLY)  

That women went to fetch water one day, and saw a dog near the well and realized that he was thirsty. There wasnt anything to pour the water into for the dog to drink, so that evil, devil of a women took out her shoe, poured water into it so that the dog could drink from it. 

It is said that on the day of judgement that women will be allowed into Paradise for that little action of hers.

Be good with others for the sake of Allah, without the thought of 'showing off', with a good intention since we dont know what action of ours would lead us away from the fires of hell.

Eat. Sleep. Pray. Love. But be good and kind with others for the sake of Allah too. 

Pray five times a day for the sake of Allah, and not to just show off, because thats what some people do. They have to go around bragging telling people that 'look look am soooo good i never miss a prayer.'  

Allah says that arrogance is an attribute of satan. Be as humble and as simple as you can be.  

Pray for the sake of Allah. And remember that your good actions and kind words might become a way for you to enter Paradise.

Some of us cant forgive easily, we cant let go of stuff, these people, people like me, should remember that if you yourself cant forgive others, why would Allah forgive you? .... Forgive, for the sake of Allah. And He will forgive you on the Day of Judgement insha Allah.

Treat others the way you want others to treat you.  

'Islam is not just a religion, its the way of life.' 

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