IMAGINE: Becoming queen after Thorin, your father, dies

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You sit on a chair in your bedroom, staring at your pale, forlorn face in the mirror. You take in a deep breath and let it out shakily. "Y/N." Balin says softly, coming into your bedroom. You look at him through the mirror. "They're ready for you now." He says. You fight back the tears and stand up. You sniff, wanting to just break down and cry. "I-I don't know if I can do this, Balin." You admit, looking at the Dwarf who took over the father figure in your life when Thorin, your father, died in the Battle of the Five Armies. "Of course you can, Y/N." He says, picking up your hands. "You will make a wonderful queen to our people." Balin adds. Tears slide down your cheeks. "I just want to make my father proud of me." You whisper. "And he is proud of you, Y/N. I'm sure of it." He says, before pulling you into his arms. "I miss him." You cry. Balin sniffs. "I miss him too, lass." He says. You pull back and straighten your shoulders. You brush away your tears. "You can do this, Y/N." Balin encourages, giving you a smile, and squeezing your hand. You smile weakly at him and barely nod. Balin slowly leads you out of the room.

You close your eyes and bow your head as Gandalf puts the crown upon your head. You slowly open your eyes and look up at the Wizard smiling sadly at you. You turn towards the room bursting with Dwarves. "I give you, Y/N Queen Under the Mountain!" Gandalf announces. Your heart pounds loudly in your ears and tears burn your eyes as applause rises up like thunder. "Long live the queen! Long live the queen!" The Dwarves cheer. You glance over at Dwalin and Balin, and they both give you an encouraging nod. You give them a watery smile. You slowly walk down the steps, smiling at your people, yet your heart aching. Everything just seems so wrong without your father and cousins. You look up at the ceiling. "I love you guys." You whisper. Your heart lightens and you smile legitimately now, knowing Thorin, Fili, and Kili are looking down at you and smiling.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now