IMAGINE: Thorin coming to save you

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     You walk down the steps, laughing softly to yourself. The cool night air prickles your skin but it feels divine. You're hot from dancing so much. You sit down on the last step, out of the breath.  Music drifts over to you and you smile, closing your eyes. You're in Lake Town with the Company. Tonight everyone is celebrating because you're going off to reclaim Erebor tomorrow.

     You're not a Dwarf. You're not even from this world.  You're from Earth. You're J.R.R. Tolkien's granddaughter. When you were little, your grandfather would always tell you stories about Middle Earth. He told you that if you always believed in Middle Earth and magic, you would be able to travel across Earth and Middle Earth. You never stopped believing and that was how Gandalf was able to send a message to you, the only Tolkien alive who still believed in the magic. He told you that you needed to come to Middle Earth to save Thorin and his bloodline because J.R.R. Tolkien couldn't protect them when he lived in Middle Earth. Tolkien couldn't protect them anymore because once he came back to Earth, he died. Only Tolkien blood can make sure the Durins are safe. So when Gandalf foresaw doom looming in the future for the Durins, he sent for you. So you came.

     You open your eyes and run your hands down the beautiful, blue velvet skirt of your dress. "It still doesn't feel like I'm actually here. It feels like a dream." You sigh to the sky.

     You stand up and start walking. "Yet, I'm here and tomorrow we're reclaiming the Lonely Mountain." You murmur to yourself. You chuckle and shake your head, sighing.

     Your thoughts drift to Thorin. You've fallen in love with him on this adventure. You never thought it'd be possible, but it happened. You know it's not possible he feels the same way about you. He's strong, stubborn, and brave. He couldn't be in love with you. And yet the way his eyes flashed with anger at the men paying attention to you at dinner said something completely different. He almost looked jealous.

      "Y/N." A deep voice says behind you.

     You jump, your heart in your throat. You turn around. "Thorin, you frightened me. I was lost in my thoughts and I didn't hear you." You admit sheepishly.

     "I'm sorry." He winces. You smile at him and he clears his throat.

     "Y/N, I just wanted to say that you look lovely this evening. I mean it, you look really beautiful." He states.

     Your jaw slips open slightly and you flush. "Oh, thank you." You reply.

     After an awkward silence you swallow. "Um, well, I'm going to go to my room now. We have an early morning ahead of us." You say, before starting to walk past him.

     Thorin grabs your hand and stops you. He pulls you close to him and you swallow nervously. He's looking at you differently than he ever has before and your heart starts beating fast. "Love me, Y/N." He whispers, almost inaudibly.

     You pull up straight, thinking you misheard Thorin. "Wait, what?" You ask.

     "Love me." He repeats.

     You stare at him. "What are you saying? You have had way too much to drink. This is not you." You state.

     He puts his hands on your shoulders. "I haven't been drinking... much. But that's beside that. Yes, this is me. When you walked in on our meeting in Bilbo's house, I knew there was something unique about you. I didn't want to face life alone anymore. I could feel my soul again. I never thought I could love again. My first love was lost in a battle. She died because she sacrificed her life for me. She was everything to me. I loved her so much that we were to be wed. But then she was gone." Thorin says sadly. Your eyes search his. "Then you came along. It felt like beauty had come into my life again, Y/N. I wouldn't change anything about you. You are a depth of beauty that I want to discover. I want to know more about you. You are the rarest diamond that has ever walked on Middle Earth."

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now