IMAGINE: Thorin thinking you're going to die

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You lean over the bucket, throwing up so hard your throat becoming raw. Thorin, your husband, stops in the doorway and pales when he sees you. You look up at him miserably before retching.

"It's happening again?!" He exclaims, rushing to your side.

You nod and choke on a sob, tears splattering down your cheeks. "I-I don't know what's wrong with me, Thorin." You whisper. Once the wave of nausea passes, you straighten.

"I'm going to get a healer right now, Y/N. This has been going on for too long." Thorin states.

"No!" You exclaim, grabbing his arm and stopping him before he can leave. "Don't." You say hoarsely.

"Why not?" He asks exasperatedly. "Y/N, you have been sick for two weeks now. I'm getting really worried." He says, frowning. Thorin cups your cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N." He whispers softly, fear lurking in his eyes. Your chin quivers and you bury yourself in his chest, sobbing hard.

"Y/N, what's wrong? What is it?" He asks, holding you protectively in his arms.

"Thorin, I don't know how to tell you this, but-but I think I'm dying." You cry.

Thorin pulls you back and stares at you, his eyes wide with horror. "What." He whispers lowly.

"I-I heard that there's this sickness passing through the near mountains. It's fatal, Thorin. I have all the symptoms. Throwing up, nausea, cramps, hot spells, cold spells... Everything, Thorin." You explain, tears running their length down your cheeks. Thorin's blue eyes swim with tears and he gasps.

He pulls you back into his arms and weeps. "Is there no cure?" He asks in a whisper.

You shake your head. "None that I've heard of." You answer softly.

For a while, Thorin just holds you, crying and holding you as tight as possible.

He suddenly sniffs and looks at you. He swallows, trying to compose himself. "Y/N, we must take you to a healer. To see if there's anything they can do." He says.

"No, Thorin. It's pointless. There's nothing they can do to treat me. It's incurable. Plus they wouldn't even know what to do." You protest.

"Well, will you, at least, see my sister Dis? She's very knowledgable in the healing arts." Thorin suggests.

You bite your lip. "Please, Y/N, for me. Please." He begs eagerly.

You sigh and nod slowly. "Okay, okay, I'll go see your sister." You relent.

Thorin smiles with relief. "Thank you." He sighs.


"And how long have you been throwing up for?" Dis asks an hour later as you sit on her bed. She stands in front of you looking thoughtful, while Thorin sits at the other end of them room looking like a nervous wreck.

"It's been two weeks. Every morning and sometimes at night." You explain.

Dis purses her lips and sighs, tapping her chin. "Y/N, when was the last time you had your time of the month?" She asks suddenly.

"What?" You laugh confusedly. "What does that have to do with anything?" You question.

Dis pegs you with a look. "Just answer the question. When was the last time?" She repeats.

You look away, trying to think. Your eyebrows draw as realization dawns on you. You blow out a breath. "I don't know. Maybe, two months? I've been so busy I hardly realized it's been so long." You admit.

Dis starts chuckling and then belly-aching laughing. Thorin and you stare at him as she doubles over.

"Sister, this isn't a laughing matter. Does Y/N have the disease? Is she going to die?" Thorin asks, his voice cracking.

Dis stifles her laughs and wipes a stray tear off her cheek. "Oh, honey, Y/N isn't going to die. She's going to have a baby!" Dis exclaims.

"What?!" Thorin and you say in duo. You both shoot up out of your seats.

Dis grins at you and hugs you tightly. "All the symptoms are there, Y/N. You're having spouts of morning sickness!" She explains.

You stumble back on to the bed with relief. Your hand splays over your stomach. "A baby. I'm going to have a baby." You whisper.

"Congratulations." Dis says, smiling.

Thorin walks over to you, joy and relief radiating off of him. He sits on the bed and hugs you. "We're going to be parents." You say.

He chuckles and looks down at your stomach, his hand covering yours over your belly. "I've never been so relieved and happy in all my life. One hour I thought I was losing the love of my life, the next I find out instead of her dying, she's having a baby." He says, smiling.

Thorin looks at you. "I love you so much, Y/N." He says, tears brimming in his eyes.

You smile. "I love you too." You whisper, before leaning in to kiss Thorin deeply.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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