IMAGINE: Being in an arranged marriage with Thorin, and expecting to hate him

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     You pace wildly in front of your mother, your hands sunken into your hair. "I just don't understand why you didn't tell me about arranging a marriage for me!" You exclaim angrily.

      "I didn't tell you because I knew you'd protest and find a way out of it." Your mother says calmly, her arms crossed. Your jaw agape, you stop and stare at her, your arms dropping to your sides.

     "So you chose to tell me on the morn that prince Thorin arrives here? So I couldn't escape?" You ask, wounded. Your mother reaches out to grab your hand but you pull away from her.

     "I know you're determined to marry for love, Y/N. But unfortunately that can't happen. Not now. The Orc armies are growing stronger and we need an alliance with the Dwarves of Erebor to fight them. Our kingdom alone cannot fight them, and no one will come to our aid. King Thror and I have come up with this arrangement for Thorin and you." Your mother explains.

     Your shoulders drop and you shake your head. "You betrayed me, mother. You know what I wanted and you totally disregarded it." You whisper.

     Your mother painfully grabs your arm and stares at you, anger flashing in her eyes for the first time. "You selfish girl. All you ever think about is yourself. It's time to start thinking more about the kingdom you'll rule one day, and less about yourself." She snaps. You stare at her, your eyes wide in horror. She gives you a little shake. "Is that clear?" She asks coldly.

     Your eyes narrow into slits and you wrench your arm out of her grasp. "Crystal." You grit out, before turning on your heel and fleeing out of the throne room.


     You glare at yourself in the mirror as your maid, Eden, works on your hair. You slam your fist on the table, making her jump. "I hate this!" You exclaim.

     "I'm sorry, Y/N, that you have to go through this. I heard stories that prince Thorin is a nice man." Eden says softly. You scoff.

     "He's probably a scum, Eden. I already hate the man." You state.

     "Your maid looks at you in surprise. "Y/N, you don't even know him." She says.

     You falter and frown. "Well, I'm sure I'll hate him." You stammer. "I'm sure he's hideous. I mean, why wouldn't an heir of Durin be married already? He really must be ugly if they're trying to pawn him off to me, since I can't refuse him." You state. Eden laughs softly as she pins the last of your hair in place. You look up at her. "It's not funny!" You exclaim.

     "You're so silly, princess Y/N, yet I'm so glad I get to be your maid." She murmurs, smiling. You hide your smile. A knock sounds at your door.

     "Y/N, prince Thorin is here. The queen wants you in the throne room immediately." A guard says. The smile fades on your face. Eden puts a hand on your shoulder.

     "Good luck, Y/N." She says. You look at her and bite your lip nervously, before standing.


     You stand in front of your mother's throne, your arms crossed over your chest, your back to the doors.

     "How long is this snobby prince going to be staying with us?" You ask, the bridge of your nose scrunched up in distaste. Your mother just stares at you, a muscle in her jaw clenching. "You know if father was here, he'd take my side." You state, your hands on your hips.

     Your mother opens her mouth to say something and then closes it just as the doors to the throne room opens. Your mother immediately brightens and gracefully steps down from her throne.

     "Prince Thorin, we're so happy to have you here." She says. You purse your lips tightly and prepare yourself for the worst.

     You slowly turn around and your heart stops. Your eyes widen, your breath quickening. He's so handsome.

     Thorin smiles at your mother. "I'm happy to be here, my lady." He says. Thorin's eyes trail to you and you see the surprise in his eyes. You're glad the feeling is mutual.

     "Thorin, I'd like to introduce you to my daughter, princess Y/N." Your mother says. Thorin walks over to you and kisses your hand, his eyes never leaving yours. You blush and smile at him.

     "It's such a pleasure to have you here." You say. You can feel your mother giving you dagger glances, but you're too enthralled with Thorin's blue eyes to look to your mother.


     You walk with Thorin along the grounds of your palace three days after he's arrived. "You know, I expected to hate you." You admit suddenly. Thorin looks at you and laughs softly. You inwardly sigh happily, wanting to listen to that laugh forever.

     "I expected the same. The whole entire trip here I was venting to my manservant about how much I hate you. He kept insisting that I wasn't going to hate you. Apparently he was right." Thorin says.

     You grin at him. "I think your manservant and my maid have been talking to each other." You say.

      "Maybe." Thorin replies, winking at you. You look away, blushing. "Y/N, even though I came here expecting to hate you, I don't hate you at all. I really like you and I want to make this work." H states. You both stop walking and stare at each other. You put your hand on his arm and smile up at him.

     "I want to make this work too, Thorin." You reply. He moves his hand to your face and gently puts a piece of hair behind your ear, smiling at you. He leans forward and softly kisses you.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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