IMAGINE: Richard being your dance partner

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     "No, no, no, no, no, no, just stop!" Kenn Oldfield, your choreographer, exclaims, holding up his hand. Jacob, your dance partner who's dipping you, gently pulls you upright as all the dancers relax.

     "What's wrong this time?" You ask. "I thought we were all doing well."

      "Everyone was doing well. Everyone except you." Kenn states. You flinch. "You're a fine dancer, Y/N. But fine isn't good enough. You need to be great if you want to make it into the theatrical world." He continues.

     You clench your jaw. "Well, maybe we can try switching partners." You glance at Jacob, your partner. "No offense to you, of course. But maybe we just don't work well together."

      He smiles at you and nods. "I understand." He replies.

      "And who would we get to be your partner on such short notice, Y/N?" Kenn asks.

     "I-I could do it." Richard Armitage states, stepping forward.

     Kenn looks at him and rolls his eyes. "Please, Richard, you are my assistant." He says.

     "So? I love to dance. I know all the choreography for this dance already." Richard responds. Kenn bites his lip, unsure. "Please, Kenn, just give me a chance." Richard pleads.

      Kenn sighs. "Oh, all right." He mutters.

     Richard walks over to you. He smiles at you and wraps his arm around your waist. "Ready?" He whispers.

     You smile faintly up at him. "Yeah." You answer as the music starts. Everyone starts dancing and Richard leads you through the steps. It's a different feeling dancing with Richard than it is with Jacob. It's more invigorating and the moves just flow through you. Your smile widens as Richard perfectly dips you and then gracefully pulls you to your feet.

      When you're finished with the dance, Kenn is just staring at Richard and you, his jaw dropped. "Oh my." He says.

     You glance at Richard and then back at Kenn. "Was it good?" You question.

     "Good? Good?! It was amazing!" Kenn sputters.

     You look at Jacob and he smiles at you, giving you a thumbs up. "A partner change was a great idea." Kenn murmurs. He looks at Richard, his eyebrows drawn. "Would you be willing to dance with Y/N throughout all of the performances?" He asks.

       Richard grins and pulls you to his side. "That would be wonderful." He replies.

      "Okay, so change of plans then. Richard and Y/N are now partners. Jacob, we'll find you another partner to work with." Kenn announces.

     Richard looks down at you. "Thank you." He whispers.

     "For what?" You ask.

     "For suggesting to get a new partner." He says. "You danced great, Y/N. I think Jacob was stunting you from going on to your full potential." He whispers.

      You smile. "Thank you." You whisper back.


    For months, Richard and you dance together, perfecting the dance. Now tonight is the premiere of the first performance. Richard stands next to you as you're waiting to go on stage. You glance at him and catch his smile. You've fallen hopelessly in love with him.

      "Are you nervous?" He asks.

      You laugh softly. "Uh, yeah, that's putting it lightly." You reply.

      Richard slides his hand into yours and squeezes it. "You will do wonderfully, Y/N. I know it." He whispers.

      "Thank you." You breathe, staring into his blue eyes.

     Richard stares at you. "Y/N..." He trails off.

     "Yes, Richard?" You ask.

     He lifts his hand up to cup your cheek. He blinks a few times. "I love-I love you..." He whispers. You close your eyes and turn your head into his hand. He rests his forehead against yours.

     "I love you too, Richard." You sigh, smiling, opening your eyes. He smiles back and then kisses you softly. You sigh deeply and wrap your arms around his waist.

      "Wow. Awkward." Jacob states. Richard and you jump away. You glance at Jacob who's grinning at Richard and you. "Come on, you two, we're on in two minutes. There's no time for kissing." He says.

     You grin. "That's what you think." You reply, before reaching for Richard again and kissing him.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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