IMAGINE: Guy and you having twins

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| IMAGINE for @Katniss_Finnick |

     You're in the process of making Guy and yours bed when you feel pain run across your pregnant stomach. You gasp and straighten, putting a hand on your stomach.

     "I must've pulled a muscle." You laugh softly, rubbing your stomach. You grimace as the pain continues. You groan and lean forward. Once the pain stops, you take a deep breath.

      "Okay, maybe I didn't pull a muscle." You mutter. You look down at your protruding stomach. "Please don't come now, baby." You whisper.

      You're about a two hours ride from the nearest doctor, and you, being nine months pregnant, really don't feel like riding a horse while in labor.

      "I'll just wait until Guy gets home." You grit out, sitting on your bed, just as another contraction starts.


      "Y/N?" Guy asks as he walks into the house.

     "Guy!" You shout with relief. He runs into the bedroom and pales when he sees you. "I'm so happy you're finally home. I've been in labor since this morning." You explain.

      "What?!" Your husband exclaims, rushing to your side. "Why didn't you go to the doctor?" He asks, putting a hand on your stomach.

      "Honey, I'm not going to swing up on a horse and race two hours to a doctor who may or may not even be in." You say, gritting your teeth as another contraction starts.

      "What-what are we going to do?" Guy asks worriedly.

      "Well you're going to help me birth our child." You gasp.

      Guy starts shaking his head. "No. No, no, no, no, no." He protests.

      "Guy! We have no choice. This baby is coming and I'm not doing this alone." You state.

      Guy stares at you and then sighs. "All right, I'll do it." He answers, before rolling up his sleeves.


     You hold your sleeping son in your arms as Guy sits next to you on the bed, holding your daughter. "Twins." You murmur, smiling at your husband. "Who would have thought?" You ask.

     When your daughter came out, Guy and you were ecstatic. You held your daughter in your arms and that's when the labor pains started again. For a minute you thought you were dying. And then incredulously, Guy held up your son. You're both in shock.

      "I thought one newborn was going to be a lot. But two? This is going to be crazy." Guy laughs.

     You lean into him. "As long as we do it together, we'll be fine." You say quietly.

      Guy smiles at you and kisses you. "Yes we will." He whispers.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now