IMAGINE: Reminiscing on the day that Richard told you of his feelings for you

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| IMAGINE for @sanaraheel789

    "I can't believe it!" Danny Stevens, one of your friends and also your escort, exclaims as you're on your way to the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey premiere.

     You smile at Danny's enthusiasm. "I can't believe it either. It's finally here. I thought it was going to take forever." You laugh. You star in the Hobbit as a human girl who joins the Company to help them take back Erebor.

     You became close friends with every single cast member, but you became exceptionally close to one cast member in particular—Richard Armitage. You're boyfriend and girlfriend. Your cheeks flame just thinking about Richard—whom you haven't seen in sometime because of your crazy busy schedules.

     "Y/N, thank you so much for taking me along with you. I don't know how I can ever repay you." Danny states.

     You smile at him. "It's fine. There's no need to repay me." You reply.

     Danny is the only son of the nice woman who owns the apartment that you're staying at while you're filming the Hobbit trilogy. There are two reasons why you have Danny come with you as an escort. One reason is because his mother, Mrs. Stevens, is like a mother hen. After a few days of staying in her apartment complex, she basically took you in as her daughter. When she heard that you were going to the premiere alone, she absolutely refused that you go alone. And the other reason is that Danny is the biggest fan of Peter Jackson. He fanboyed when you asked him to be your escort to the premiere and that you would introduce him to Peter. Danny couldn't say yes fast enough.

    You look out the window as Danny drawls on and on about how excited he is. You sigh as your mind wanders off to the last day of filming An Unexpected Journey. Everyone was super excited to be done with the first movie, yet there was also a sense of sadness. You made sure to get everyone's phone numbers. Aidan, Dean, and James have been in constant contact with you. And then of course there's Richard. Your mind lingers on him, making you smile. Your mind delves into the past.

     *A year before, while finishing filming one of the scenes for An Unexpected Journey*

     You walk back to the dressing room. You collapse in one of the chairs. You roll your shoulder and then grimace, sucking in a sharp breath. You look in the mirror and then pull the collar of your shirt down to reveal the bluish discoloration of your shoulder.

     "Ouch." You whisper. You were filming the fight scene with the Goblins when you accidentally slammed your shoulder against a post. You almost started to cry, but you managed to hold it in. You didn't tell a soul; but now you're kind of wishing you had.

     A knock sounds at the door, making you jump. "Who is it?" You ask, quickly straightening your shirt.

     "It's Richard." The voice says, before slowly opening the door. He walks in, smiling. You smile. His Dwarf outfit is off, but he still has the hair and makeup on.

     "What are you doing here?" You ask.

     "I just came to remind you about Peter's-" He starts to say.

     You hold up your hand. "Yeah, I know. One of Peter's lunch parties. I'm about ready. I just need to remove my makeup." You reply. You peer at him. "How come you haven't removed—" You ask, gesturing to his hair and makeup.

     "I will. I just wanted to come by and check on you." He admits, concern flitting into his eyes.

     Your eyebrows draw. "Uh, check on me? Why?" You question a little nervously. Does he know of your accident?

     Richard just stares at you, looking a little dazed. You raise an eyebrow and stand up. You walk over to him. You stand in front of him and then snap your fingers in front of his face. "Hey! Richard!" You exclaim. Richard flinches and shakes his head, seeming slightly confused. "Earth to Mr. Armitage. Rick, what's wrong?" You say. He smiles at the use of 'Rick'. Everybody calls him Richard, but you became fond of the nickname 'Rick' for him.

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now