IMAGINE: Falling in love with Guy

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     "Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful." You murmur to your friends, Lydia and Bailey, as you walk in a circle around the campsite. Lydia and Bailey, two of your best friends live in the UK. Having not seen them in a while, you decided to take a trip to the UK and visit them. They planned a weekend off camping and hiking deep in a forest.
     "Isn't it?" Lydia asks, smiling at your excitement. "Bailey and I come here a lot. It's so peaceful and serene. It's a great place to reflect on stuff." She adds.
     You look at Lydia and Bailey, a grin ripping across your mouth. "Well thank you for showing this to me. This is going to be such a great weekend!" You exclaim.
     "Why don't you go exploring while Lydia and I set up camp?" Bailey asks, setting down some backpacks.
     You sling your bag around your shoulders and start walking off. You come up to a huge cave and your curiosity skyrockets. You look both ways for anyone, before disappearing into the black cave. You grab your flashlight out of your bag and turn it on. You gasp when you see the strange writings on the wall. You lean forward, scrutinizing them.
     "This is so weird." You whisper, your voice echoing. You keep exploring the cave when you came up to a stone door covered in webs. Your eyebrows draw and you hesitate for a moment. You roll your lips and your eyes trail down to the door handle. You slowly reach out your hand and pull the door handle. The door starts to move and you jump back, letting out a little yelp.
     You breathe heavily, your hand on your chest. Once the door is opened half way, you step forward. You walk past the door and immediately gasp, your eyes wide. Your jaw slips open as you take in the waterfall in the cave. You continue to walk further. The stone door closes shut with a loud thud. You whirl around and run to it.
     "No! No!" You yell. You press your hands against the door but it doesn't open. "Help me! Somebody open the door!" You scream, panicked.  A few minutes go by when you realize no one is coming for you.
     You wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly chilled to the bone. You walk out of the cave and your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. It's another forest, but not the UK one. This one looks different. It feels different.
     "Okay, that's weird." You say, frowning. You start walking, looking for anything that looks familiar. You're so busy looking for something, that you miss the small ravine. Your foot slips and you let out a piercing scream, falling. You roll down the hall, sticks and rocks cutting into your skin. When your body finally comes to a stop, your head bashes into the side of a rock. You let out a pained groan, before your eyes fluttered closed.


      You wake up with a start, sitting up, and gasping. Pain wracks your head and you wince, putting your hands to your head. The side of your head is sticky with blood. You look around you and frown. It's pitch black outside, with only the stars and moon shining. You fumble around for your flashlight, and once you grab it, you shakily pull yourself up to standing. You start walking, trying to ignore the pain from your head. You don't even know how long you walk for, but when the flashlight starts sputtering and, finally, dies, you guess you've been walking for some time.
     You left out a groan as darkness falls around you. "Come on, really? Now you die on me?" You ask the flashlight. You shuffle it back into your backpack and shake your head.
     "Hello?" You call, hoping someone will hear you. "Hello?!" You ask more loudly. Crickets and strange bird calls answer you. You suddenly hear the sound of footsteps. Your heart starts racing in panic, and your legs set off running.
     You scream when you run into someone. You stumble backwards, catching yourself as the man turns around, his face alighted by the torch he's holding.
     The man's eyebrows draw as he gazes at you. He slowly shakes his head. "Marian?" He whispers.
     "What?" You ask, breathing heavily.
    "N-no, y-you just look like this woman I used to know. You resemble her so much. It's-it's quite odd." The man stutters.
     "That's weird. Well, I'm not her." You state.
     "What is your name?" He asks.
     "Y/N." You reply.
    "Well, Y/N, my name is Much." He states.
    You peer at him, an eyebrow perched high on your forehead. "Much? I know some names are a lot to take in; I just need something to call you by though–even if it's just a letter." You say.
    The man stares at you like you're insane. "No, no, no. Much is my name." He clarifies.
      "Ohhhhh." You breathe, blushing. "Sorry." You mumble, kicking the ground with your shoe.
     Much looks you up and down. "You're not from around here, are you? You're clothes are different and  you're..." He trails off.
    "Odd." You finish. "To be honest, I'm lost. I came from a cave with a waterfall." You state. Much is still looking at you like you need help. You step a forward. "Please, I need a place to say. I don't know my way around these woods, and I don't want to be out here alone by myself." You say.
     "You can just follow me. I have a place where you can stay." Much says, beckoning you along with him. You follow him.
     Much leads you to a large campsite and, as soon as you walk in, all activity stops. Everyone turns and looks at you in surprise. You look back at that in surprise, noticing their strange clothes. Where exactly are you?
     "I brought a girl, Robin." Much informs. A man, whom you're assuming is Robin, walks up to you, his face solemn and his eyes fill with tears.
     "Marian." He whispers. Your eyebrows rise in surprise because so far everyone you met is comparing you to this Marian chick.
     Robin turns to Much. "Much, where did you find her?" He asks.
     "She was lost in the woods." Much answers.
     "Excuse me, but why does everyone keep comparing me to this Marian woman?" You ask, your hands on your hips.
     Robin looks at and then clears his throat. "Marian... was my love.  Guy of Gisbourne took her away from me and killed her. She will always be in my heart. You look just like her, it's so strange." He explains.
     "I agree. There's definitely a huge resemblance." Another man adds.
     "I think so, too, Alan." Robin says.
     "Well, since I've never seen Marian, I can't say if I agree with you. Most of my friends say I look like the TV actress Lucy Griffiths." You state. There's absolute silence as everyone just looks at you in confusion. You look at them, your eyebrows raised. "Guys, you know, Lucy Griffiths. She's an actress on TV." You say.
     "What's a TV?" Alan asks, testing out the strange word on his tongue
     You take step back, your heart pounding. You look around yourself, realizing that this is not your world. Everyone's clothes are different and they've never even heard of TV. You clench your first and let out a breath.
     "Where am I exactly?" You ask, squinting at them.
     "Sherwood Forest." Robin tells you, looking at you like you should've already known that.
     "Right." You breathe.
     "Y/N needs a place to stay. I was thinking maybe she could stay with us and become a part of the Merry Men." Much explains.
      "That's all right with me." Robin says. He looks to his men. "Merry Men?" He asks. Everyone nods their agreement, and you grin.

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now