IMAGINE: Richard saving you

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| IMAGINE for @acciorickgrimes |

     You sit on the beach and watch your husband, Richard, teach your three year old son, Christopher, how to swim. You smile as Christopher starts laughing as a wave crashes into him. The beach is empty, save for your little family.

     "Mommy!" Chris squeals. He starts paddling in the water, Richard holding on to him.

     "Look at you go, sweetie!" You exclaim, clapping your hands.

     Richard grins at you. "Won't you join us?" He asks. You chuckle and push yourself up.

     "Don't mind if I do." You reply. You run into the ocean and scoop of your little boy, clobbering him with kisses. He squeals loudly, giggling, and you wince, setting him down.

     "Christopher, you put the dog whistle to shame." You say, grinning. Richard laughs and wraps his arm around your shoulder. He kisses your cheek. You smile up at him.

     Christopher grasps on to Richard's and yours legs. "How far can you swim, mommy?" He asks.

     "Mommy used to be the best swimmer on her swimming team. She can swim for miles." Richard lies.

     You start laughing. "No, no, that's not true." You protest.

     "Would you care to show us?" Richard questions. Christopher peers up at you expectantly.

     You roll your eyes. "Fine, fine." You sigh. You turn and then dive into the water.

     After swimming for a couple of minutes, you stop. Your feet barely touch the sand. You hold your head above water and wave to Christopher and Richard as you move with the ocean. Your family waves back. They're about twenty five feet away from you.

     You're about to continue swimming when you feel something slimy move past your leg. You jump back in the water, your heart in your throat. Your eyes search down through the murky water. You start to move backwards towards Richard and Christopher, a sick feeling coming into your stomach.

     You start to swim with a wave back to the shore when sharp teeth suddenly bite into your leg. You scream in pain.

     "Y/N!" Richard screams.

     The shark continues its hold on your leg.

     "Help me!" You cry, trying to kick the shark away from you with your other foot. You kick it in the face and it finally swims away. You sigh with relief and struggle to stay above water. You can see your blood moving through the water.

     Richard comes wildly swimming towards you. "Y/N!" He shouts.

     "Richard." You cry weakly, trying to swim towards him. He swims over to you and pulls you into his arms.

     "Wh-where's Christopher?" You ask, grasping onto your husband.

     "I told him to stay on shore. How bad is it?" He asks as he starts to swim back to the shore.

     "My leg's still there. It's bleeding bad though." You whisper, squeezing your eyes shut. When the water comes up to Richard's thighs, he carries you the rest of the way on to the shore. Blood is running down your leg. Christopher starts crying.

     "Hey, hey, it's okay, honey. It's okay." You whisper to your son. Richard calls 911 and then covers your leg up with a beach towel, his face pale and fearful.


     You wake up in a hospital room. Richard is sitting on a chair next to your bed, his hands brought up to his lips, his face grim.

     "Hey..." You murmur tiredly.

     "Y/N." Richard sighs, moving towards you. "How do you feel?" He asks.

     "Okay, I guess. What's the verdict?" You question.

     "You lost consciousness after the ambulance came. The doctors said you were lucky. You won't need surgery. They stitched up your leg." He explains.

     "Oh, thank goodness." You whisper. "Where's Christopher?" You ask, realizing your son isn't there.

     "Your sister came and got him." Richard answers. You nod.

     You reach over and grab Richard's hand. "Are you okay?" You ask worriedly.

     He looks at you, his blue eyes war torn and tear filled. "Y/N, when I was swimming with you back to shore after the shark attack, I was scared. I was so scared for you. I thought you were going to die. I couldn't imagine living life without you. Christopher would grow up without a mother, and I wouldn't have my wife. I wouldn't have my stronghold. I wouldn't have my life. I-I wouldn't have my heart." He whispers, his voice cracking.
      "Oh, Richard." You breathe, your own tears filling your eyes.

     "I love you so much." He cries, moving over to you. He kisses you softly, tears spilling down his cheeks.

     "I love you too." You whisper, cupping his cheek, smiling up at him.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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