IMAGINE: Thorin taking you on a date

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      You're kneading dough on the counter when arms come around your waist. You jump, smiling as Thorin pulls you against his chest. He starts to kiss your neck. "Thorin." You laugh, turning in his arms to face him. You look over his shoulder. "Someone may see." You say, grinning up at him.

     "So? We're to be married soon." Thorin answers.

     "Yes, but it's not proper." You state.

     He rolls his eyes. "Proper." He practically snorts. "We dwarves don't give a hoot about propriety."

     "Yeah, I know." You chuckle. You're a human girl. Your family traveled to the Blue Mountains where you met, and fell in love with, Thorin.

     Thorin leans his head down and kisses you tantalizingly slow. You sigh and your arms move around his neck. A minute goes by before he abruptly steps back, breaking the kiss. He grabs your hands. "Come on, follow me." He says, tugging you to the door.

     "Thorin, I have bread to bake." You protest, casting a glance at the dough.

     Thorin looks at you and rolls his eyes again. "Y/N, the bread can wait." He says.

      "But–" You start to protest.

     "Y/N. What is more important, the bread of me?" He asks.

     You step closer to him and put a hand on his chest. "You, of course." You answer.

     His hand covers yours on his chest. "Then leave the bread and follow me." He states.

     You stare at him and then sigh. "All right, all right." You say.


      Thorin helps you down the rocks as you both climb down a rocky hill. "Where are you taking me?" You ask.

     "There's this special little place no one really knows about. I come here once in a while for some alone time, but now I want to share it with you." He tells you. You smile, feeling honored. You hear the sound of water splashing against rocks and your interests piques. Thorin smiles at you and squeezes your hand as you round a corner.

     You gasp and pull up straight, your eyes widening in awe and wonder. "It's...beautiful." You whisper. A waterfall is pooling over a cliff and gathers in a large pool. The sun shines through the water, marking it sparkle.

     "Isn't it?" Thorin says, smiling at you. He wades into the pool, taking you with him. The water is cool and comes up to your waist.  The water sparkles like diamonds and you gasp again. You look at Thorin and he's looking at you lovingly.

     "I love you, Thorin." You say.

    "I love you, Y/N." He returns, stepping forward. He pulls you into his arms. You hug him tightly. You pull your head back and smile at him.

    Thorin leans forward and kisses you, his hands pressed against your back. You sink against him. He deepens the kiss just as you slip against the rocky floor. You yelp as you fall backward, bringing Thorin with you.

     You both plunge beneath the water. Thorin lands on top of you and then jumps up, laughing. He grabs yours hands and pulls you up. "Are you okay?!" He exclaims.

     "I'm fine." You laugh. You shake your head to get rid of the dripping water. "Sorry. That was so unromantic." You tell him.

     Thorin grins at you. "Way to go, Y/N." He says.

     "Let's-let's do that again." You state. He takes your hands and puts them on his hips. You move closer to him and look up at him. He smiles down at you and then kisses you again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Richard Armitage ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now