IMAGINE: Richard getting injured

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     Richard, your boyfriend of six months, and you are walking hand in hand through the park. You just finished going on a picnic together and now you're going to walk back to his house nearby.

     "Thanks for such a great afternoon, Richard." You say, smiling. He smiles back at you and you inwardly sigh. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his side.

     "We need to do this again." He tells you. You wrap your arm around his waist.

     "I agree." You return, lifting your head up to stare at him. He kisses you softly and then pulls his head back, smiling.

     Richard suddenly stumbles and then cries out. He grips onto you, sucking in a sharp breath. "Richard?! What's wrong?!" You exclaim worriedly as you hold him up, which is difficult since he's so tall.

     "I-I think I sprained my ankle." He grits out, holding one leg off the ground. He holds on to you tightly. "I'm sorry." He murmurs, his eyes squeezed shut.

      "No, no, no, no, no, it's fine. Don't worry." You whisper reassuringly. "Can you walk?" You ask him.

     Richard opens his eyes and tries to set his foot down. He groans and quickly lifts it up. "I don't think so." He whispers.

     You bite your lip and glance around. No one is around. "W-why don't we sit you down and take a look at it? Then we'll go on from there." You say. Richard nods. You carefully walk him to a bench while he hops next to you. He sits down with a wince and you help put his legs on the bench.

     You grimace at how swollen Richard's ankle is already. "Ow." You whisper. You bite your lip and put his shoe back on. "Okay, honey, I have an idea. I don't think you're going to like it, but we have to get to the entrance of the park so we can grab a cab." You say.

     Richard looks at you. "Yes?" He asks suspiciously.

     You clear your throat. "You have to get on my back. We have to do a piggy-back ride."

     "What?!" Richard exclaims incredulity. "I'm 6'2, Y/N! You'll topple over!" He protests.

     "Richard, there's no other way! No one is around and we have to get you to the street so we can get back to your house." You explain. Your boyfriend looks at you unsurely. "Come on." You insist.

     "If I hurt your back, I'm never going to forgive myself." He mutters.

     You grin and stand up. "You won't hurt it. I'm a strong girl." You state. You turn your back to Richard.

     "This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous." He states.

     You chuckle. "It'll be fine." You say. Richard climbs onto your back. "Hold on." You command.

      He gingerly wraps his arms around your neck. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so, so sorry." He groans.

     You scoff and start walking, holding on to his legs tightly. "It's fine, Richard. I promise." You assure him. "It's kind of fun." You let out a laugh. "You know, you're lighter than you look." You claim.

     "That doesn't make me feel any better, Y/N." Richard mumbles. You walk to the edge of the park and call for a taxi.

     You set Richard down and he's blushing. "Stop blushing, Richard." You laugh softly, wrapping your arm around his waist.

     "I never thought my girlfriend would be carrying me on her back because I'd be injured." He states.

     "I never thought I'd be carrying my boyfriend on my back because he's injured, but I guess that defies the whole 'damsel in distress' thing. It's more like... 'the man in distress' now." You reply, smiling.

     Richard smiles back at you and laughs softly. "Thanks, Y/N." He says.

     You stand on your tiptoes and kiss him. "I love you." You say.

     "I love you too." He whispers, kissing your forehead.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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