IMAGINE: Sacrificing your life for Guy's

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| IMAGINE for @AccioRickGrimes |

     You watch, cowering in the corner, your hand gripping your dagger, Isabella, the Sheriff of Nottingham, and some of their men fight Robin, Guy, and Archer. Your eyes linger on Guy, the man you've fallen in love with. You've managed to turn his thoughts away from the late Marian, and now he's in love with you. You look down at the shiny dagger, preparing to join the battle if need be.
     You watch as Guy swiftly moves, his every move graceful. When you see Isabella advancing behind him, you expect Guy to turn around and fight her. Except he doesn't. Your heart stops as you realize he doesn't even see her or notice her.
     "No." You gasp. "Guy!" You shout, running for him. Just as Isabella is about to plunge her sword into Guy's back, you shove your lover out of the way, the sword running through your stomach. Your eyes widen as pain paralyzes you. Isabella backs away in surprise.
     "No!" Guy screams as you tumble to the floor, blood quickly pooling around you. Robin and Archer fight off Isabella and the Sheriff while Guy cradles you in his arms, his eyes wide and welled with tears.
     You cough and wrap your fingers tightly around his shirt. "Guy. I need to say goodbye." You choke out.
     He shakes his head, tears splattering down his cheeks. "No, no, Y/N, you're going to be okay. You're going to live." He whispers, smiling at you, despite the hysteria in his eyes.
     "Yeah... I wish..." You murmur, smiling faintly. You look up at him. "I love you, Guy." You state seriously.
     "I love you, too, Y/N." Guy cries, squeezing his eyes shut and resting his head against yours, letting out a deep throated sob. "I don't want to lose you, Y/N. I can't. My heart can't take this." He weeps, pulling you against his chest.
     "I'm sorry, Guy." You whisper, crying. He lifts his head and looks at you. He holds your face in his one hand.
     "You're my life. And I don't want to live it if you're not here." He says.
     "You have to." You reply, before coughing. "I-I'm sor-ry." You choke out, your eyes widening. You gasp and your grip on Guy's shirt loosen. Your eyes slowly close and your head falls limp against his chest.
     "Y/N?" Guy asks, sniffing. He tilts your head up. "Y/N!" He sobs. He buries his head in your shoulder and cries loudly, rocking you back and forth.
     When the sounds of battle bring him back to reality, Guy lifts his head, anger and vengeance boiling in his blood. He gently sets you on the ground, before picking up a sword, and standing. He lets out a war cry and dives headlong into fighting Isabella and the Sheriff to avenge your death.
[THE END] I hope you liked!

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