IMAGINE: Marrying Thorin

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| IMAGINE for @lilysola |

     You stare back at your reflection in the mirror. You nervously gulp and your eyes travel the white gown that frames your body. You jump when Dis comes up behind you and puts her hands on your shoulders.
     "You make a beautiful bride, Y/N. All the men of the Blue Mountains are going to be jealous of Thorin." She states, smiling at you. You give her a weak smile. Her eyebrows immediately draw and she turns you around to face her.
     "Y/N, what's wrong? You're not having second thoughts, are you?" She asks worriedly.
     You sigh. "No. I'm just so nervous. I literally feel like passing out." You answer. Dis gives you a sympathetic smile and hugs you, letting out a chuckle.
     "Well, I don't think it's very funny." You mumble, rolling your eyes.
     She pulls back and looks at you. "Y/N, it's normal for someone to feel like passing out on their wedding day." She says. Dis grips your shoulders and lightly shakes you. "It's your wedding day, for Durin's sake!" She exclaims. You laugh, feeling better. "See?" Dis asks, grinning. You nod and sigh, smiling.
     "Now come on, you have an eager man waiting at the altar for you. Don't hold my brother up, Y/N. He's not going to be very happy if you do that." She says, leading you out of the room. You both laugh.


     At the sight of you walking down the aisle, a grin split across your face, Thorin bows his head to hide the tears streaking down his cheeks, but fails. He sniffs, swiping the tears away while smiling at you. You softly laugh. When you reach the altar, you take Thorin's hand.
     "You're so beautiful." Thorin whispers. You blush, your heart pounding quickly.
     As the ceremony begins, you can't drag your eyes from Thorin's blue ones, getting lost in his intense, loving gaze. The ceremony passes in a blur and soon Thorin is kissing you deeply as the roar of cheers fill the large room. Thorin and you walk hand in hand down the aisle.
     Once you exit the room, Thorin pulls you into a secluded hallway. He pulls you against him and kisses you passionately.
     "I love you so much." He whispers against your lips, resting his forehead against yours.
     "And I love you, Thorin Oakenshield." You reply, smiling.
     "So, wife..." Thorin says, testing the word out. He immediately grins. "I love that." He comments. You laugh. "So, wife, what does it feel like to be married to me?" Thorin continues.
     You purse your lips, thinking. "Well, I've only been married to you for about two minutes. But, so far, I'm thoroughly enjoying it." You answer, grinning.
     Your husband chuckles and kisses you again. "Me too." He says, staring at you.
      You tug on his arm. "Come on, we have a reception to go to." You say, smiling.
     "But I'd rather much stay here and kiss you." Thorin pouts, before a huge smile breaks across his face, his eyes dancing with humor. You roll your eyes and drag him towards the party, grinning.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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