Part One: June-17

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I stood on the tuff of grass, leaning on the flag pole. I already knocked on the door and none of my cabinmates answered. The sky was quite dark, I wondered what time it was and dug in the pockets on the side of my dress for my cell phone. My pockects were empty, causing a wave of worry to flurry over me. Did it fall out when I was in the tree? What if Hunter and Cassidy find it? Will that reinforces their belief I’m trouble? What if I dropped it in the Tech room when I got my papers out to tell Zoe and Jade my Cabin number? What if Someone stole it?

I frantically dug through my pockets, trying to see if I was just imagining that I couldn’t feel it. I looked on the ground around me, trying to see if it fell out here when I stuck my hand in my pocket. My mom’s going to kill-

“Its not there,” I looked up to see Hunter in front of me, smirking, “But don’t worry you didn’t lose it. I gave it to the Dean. No phones because people can track the signal.”

“How do I call my mom?” I asked, panicing. “I told her I would call her at least once a week! If I don’t, hidden or not, my mother will find me.”

“Don’t worry so much,” He chuckled, his blue eye a little more dull then normal, “We have phones in the rec room over there that you can use. They bounce the signal around so its untraceble.”

“Oh,” I said and let my hands fall to my side.

“So…” He put both hands on his head, his elbows sticking out, and let out a breath, “What was your skill that got you noticed anyways?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Like,” His hands dropped to his side and he swung them, “People noticed my karate skills and how quick I could make and allibi or excuse or whatever. So they brought me here. What did they tell you they noticed?”

“Well,” I thought back to a few days ago, my brain felt I was stretching weeks, “My teacher told me that it was all the languages I speak and fluently too. I’m a polygot.”

¿Quéidiomas hablas? [What langauges do you speak?]” He smiled, he had an okay spanish accent.

Beaucoup [Many]” I smiled. My french flawless.

Come quello che? [like what?”]” His Italian was okay.

Kutennämä jaVenäjänjaenemmän[Like these and russian and more]” I giggle at his confusion. “Oletan,et puhusuomea?[I asume you don’t speak Finnish?]”

“Uh, you lost me there, I only speak english, itailian, spanish, and french.” He ran his hand through his hair.

“I speak alot,” I giggled again, “And that was finnish if you were curious.”

“Good to know,” He shook his head, “Maybe that is the language I should take this year.”

“Maybe you should,” I nodded, leaning back on the pole.

“Hey,” He scrunched his eyebrows, I notice the twinkle in his blue eye returned, “What are you doing outside? Curfew is about to start.”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“I’m captin, I’m suppose to make sure everyone is in thier cabins,”

“Well, my cabinmates had to talk about some stuff,” I sighed, “And they didn’t answer the door when I knocked”

“Lucky for you, you know me,” He put on a goofy grin and pointed to himself with his thumbs, “The captin who has access to all cabins. Come on.”

He walked toward the cabin, a large blue number four painted sharply above the porch’s roof. He hopped up the steps and bent so he was eye level to the black box beside the door. A blue laser beam shot out and scanned his blue eye. He turned back to me and smiled as a small click was herd. He turned the brass knob and opened the door wide.

“There you go Riley,” He fake bowed, “Your bed awaits you.”

I waved goodbye and yawned as I stepped inside the cabin. I herd Hunter’s deep chuckle as he shut the door behind me. The room was dark, but a thin line of yellow light spread over the ground, stretching from below one of the white doors.

The door open and a shadow formed in the doorway, one flick and the light dissapered. Missy appeared as she shut the door. Jumping a little when she saw me.

“Oh!” She walked over to me, “You scared me for a second Gi-er-Riley.”

“Sorry,” I whispered to her, “And, um, where is my bed?”

I looked over to the two bunk beds, each one covered with a lump except for the bottom left,  whose blankets and sheets were left in a twisted mess.

“I would let you sleep in the head girl’s bed,” She smiled, “But that hasn’t been decided yet, not until next week. But you can sleep on the couch, I’ll get you some blankets.”

I grabbed her shoulder before she could walk away and scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

“Head girl?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah your new,” she rolled her eyes and smiled weakly, “It’s like the leader of our little team. We all do our part and have ideas, most of the time we have a vote of what to do. But ultimitely, whoever is chosen Head Girl by the dean is the one who makes the decicion for our cabin. The room for her, or should I say Dasha, is locked until then.”

“Oh,” I nodded and followed her to the small bathroom. She opened up a little, vented closet and pulled out sheets and a blanket. She handed me a few pillows and herded me to the old couch where she helped me make up my bed. Like a mother, she tucked me in and sat on my bed.

“I know your confused,” She whispered to me, looking another way in the dark room, “But it gets better. And rest well because your tests are scheduled for tomorrow.”

“Tests?” I sat back up and she looked at me, “What tests?”

“You’ll see,” She stood up, “and you’ll do fine. Good night Riley.”

I herd her shuffle away and lay in her own bed. I didn’t study for any test, and what was it on anyways? Languages? That I could do. But what if they don’t warn me when I’m taking it? What will they do if I fail? Send me home? Prove I’m never going to be a bad a**?

“Good night Missy,” I whispered and turned over on my side.

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