Part One: June-22

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I made my way to my cabin, kicking up the sandy dirt and thinking. The look on Dean James face suggested I did that way too fast. The fact I did it at all was an amazement to her.

            And Hunter had to trick me into carring that necklace too. How could he have lied to my face so easily? And I couldn’t even tell.

            “Hey Riley!” The voice boomed. I looked up to see my cabin in the bright sun. Hunter jumped down from the porch and jogged the little ways towards me. “How’d you do on your test?”

            “You lied to me,” I crossed my arm and went back to looking at the ground.

            “Ri,” He sighed, “I know your new here, but you have to understand, I was just following orders.”

            I looked back up at his eyes. I searched the blue and then the brown, finding nothing but sincerity. I let my arms drop to my sides and smiled a little bit.

            “Fine your forgiven,” I twisted my lips a bit, “I’m mostly just annoyed that I couldn’t tell you were lying to me.”

            “I’m trained not to show any signs,” He then clapped his hands together, “Now lets meet up with the others so you can get your other exams done!”

            “Okay,” I laughed as he took my hand and dragged me back up the road. Tripping, we made our way to a red dirt road tucked behind a few pine trees and palm trees. We slowed a bit there, down to a slow walk and he let go of my hand.

            “And sorry about lying to you,” Hunter ran a hand through his hair, “I had orders to. I can’t just ignore them.”

            “I forgave you, Hunter.” I smiled at him. “Stop worrying so much about it”

            “Thanks Ri,” He laughed and ruffled my hair, Taking off the brown swig. I watched as my strawberry blonde hair fell into my face. “And how did you do on the test?”

“How did you recognize me with brown hair from the cabin?” I asked, removng my sunglasses and putting them on top of my head. He threw the wig back to the circle of cabins.

“Your easy to spot Riley,” He grinned, “Back to your test, did you get to the drop off point?”

            “Yes. I did, it was the eifle tower.” I smiled, a little proud of myself.

            “Paris? That’s where you were?” he chuckled when I nodded, “That’s because of all the romance novels I gave Dean James last year. All of them had Paris in them.”

            “It is the city of love,” I laughed along with him, picturing the Dean curled up with a thick book. The cover a man and a woman with a sunset behind them. “It’s understandable.”

            “Last time I went through a mission,” He grinned, “The room was set to siberia. I was still wearing my summer clothes.”

            “Was it actually cold?”

            “Hell yeah it was,” Hunter shivered, “Coldest place I have ever been.”

            “Then I’m glad I got Paris in the Summer.” I looked up ahead to see a crowd peaking over the creast of the large hill.

            “Everyone’s already there,” He explained to me, “They’re just waiting for the Dean to yell out who’s taking what test.”

            “Oh,” I said, the other test wasn’t too hard. Maybe this one won’t be either.

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